YouTube Freaks Out As Lofi Hip Hop Girl Disappears From Popular Stream
The Studio Ghibli-style Lofi Girl has been sitting by her window since 2018, listening to soft hip hop beats forever playing in the YouTube livestream she lives in. She’s become a studying staple, a teammate to sit beside while you pore over homework or your half-finished sitcom script, and spawned...
Someone On Tinder Made A Game About What It’s Like To Date Them
There is a bottomless dress-up box filled with things that people look for in a partner. You might prefer someone who is funny or empathetic, I consider myself lucky to have ended up with someone who never had an AJR phase. And I’m sure, out there somewhere, there is a person who wouldn’t want...
Heartbreaking Stories of People Who Got Scammed on Tinder During the Pandemic
Every social media site has scammers, but there’s something extra depressing about people getting scammed on dating sites like Tinder. Unfortunately, it happens all the time, and that hasn’t stopped with more people turning to dating apps during the pandemic.Read more
[článek] Internet Advertising Conference 2018: GDPR pročistí trh
[7 minut čtení] Připravit se na GDPR není sice snadné, avšak je to příležitost nejen udělat si v datech pořádek, ale také očistit trh od podvodníků a napravit mu pověst. „Internet Advertising Conference“, která se ve čtvrtek 5. dubna sešla už po jedenácté, je výroční konference pořádaná Sdružením...