
Nalezeno "ict": 19

Cryptocurrency Swap Not Banned in Iran, President’s Legal Team Says

Current regulations do not prohibit the swapping of digital currencies, according to the Iranian Vice Presidency for Legal Affairs. The department has stated its position in correspondence with an ICT industry association which wanted to know what rules apply to cryptocurrency exchange, local media...

Persian Gulf Island to Become Crypto Exchange Hub, Iran Minister Proposes

Iran’s information technology minister has pitched the idea of transforming the Persian Gulf island of Kish into an international center for cryptocurrency exchanges. Iranian authorities plan to create a financial free zone in the territory which has already attracted cryptocurrency miners....

South Korea to Crack Down on Phishing Websites Attacking Crypto Users

South Korean authorities are intensifying their monitoring of phishing activity related to cryptocurrencies. The government has identified a record number of websites trying to obtain login details from crypto exchange users. Over 30 sites have been taken down in just three months this year. Seoul...

PR: Plan Flash – Decentralized Data Processing

Data processing is indispensable everywhere and all the time in modern life. The daily services we use every day, such as face recognition, voice assistant, text recognition, automatic recommendation, automatic data analysis and so on, all have a large number of data processing requirements...

Smart Prague HackFest vyhrály chytré tabule informující o reálném pohybu MHD

Historicky první hackathon postaveném na pražských datech Smart Prague HackFest, který se konal předcházející víkend, vyhrál vysokoškolský tým studentů Earth 2. Ten přišel s nápadem týkajícím se chytrých tabulí na zastávkách městské hromadné dopravy informující o reálném pohybu vozidel MHD. „Jsme...

Prague Startup Market je tu: Praha otevřela tržnici pro startupy

Prague Startup Centre, magistrátní inkubátor, včera slavnostně otevřel novou pobočku – v jedné z hal holešovické tržnice nově sídlí Prague Startup Market. Místo, které má pomáhat startupům růst a „nabízet se“, jak už umístění i název napovídá. „Jsme rádi, že se nám podařilo splnit náš slib...

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