Turkey has an obsession with crypto — specifically Dogecoin: Study
A new study reveals Turkey in second place for crypto-related searches worldwide and first place for Dogecoin-related searches
DPN vs VPN: The dawn of decentralized web privacy
Decentralized private networks offer the benefits of VPNs, but with additional advantages that exclude a central point of control
Why you wouldn’t eat chicken nuggets, and why you shouldn’t trust Big Data
Do you really know how your data is used and monetized? If you did, you’d probably think twice about giving your personal details away so freely
Startup Aleo Wants to Help You Use the Internet Without Sacrificing Data Privacy
Aleo co-founder Howard Wu says a better data privacy model for both companies and consumers can be built using zero-knowledge proofs
German Court Rules to Limit Authorities’ Access to People’s Data
The German constitutional court has ruled that the police and intelligence officials have too much access to people’s personal mobile phone and internet data. A win for privacy activists, the court has directed the government to amend applicable laws to better protect the privacy of German...
T-Mobile bude o Vánocích nadělovat internet. Data budou jeden den zadarmo
T-Mobile nabídne všem rezidentním zákazníkům o Vánocích na jeden den v týdnu neomezená data. Nabídka ale skončí na konci ledna, pak bude stát 99 korun. Uvedli to zástupci. Konkurence zatím vánoční nabídku nepředstavila