
Nalezeno "jebbiggart": 9

14+ Games Whose Graphics Blew Us Away

Graphics in video games are kind of a big deal: “Video” is right there in the medium’s name, after all. A game’s graphics can greatly contribute to our first impressions, sometimes memorably so. And visual creatures that we are, sometimes it just feels nice to be newly dazzled by the pixel-shader...

The 17 Best Boss Fights In The Legend Of Zelda Series

We know Ganondorf is Link’s greatest foe, but The Legend of Zelda series is full of some exceptional boss fights that don’t feature the Gerudo King of Thieves. Link faces a plethora of scary ghouls and vicious beasties, and Nintendo has found a lot of ways to keep these encounters fresh over...

The 9 Worst Reasons We Haven’t Finished A Game

Did you know most people don’t actually finish video games? A game like Elden Ring can sell 20 million copies, but if you look at the trophy completion percentage, only a little under half of the people who bought the game on PlayStation actually saw it through to the end. There are a lot...

14 Tight Samurai Games You Should Play Right Now

The Samurai are a popular historical group in the world of video games. With their Bushidō code, which emphasizes honor and loyalty, along with sharp blades, these iron-clad warriors make for perfect in-game characters to base entire settings around. And with Team Ninja’s Rise of the Ronin coming...

The Real Impact Of Pokémon Go's Changes That Niantic Won't Face

Welcome to Exp. Share, Kotaku’s weekly Pokémon column in which we dive deep to explore notable characters, urban legends, communities, and just plain weird quirks from throughout the Pokémon franchise. This week, we talked to rural and disabled Pokémon Go players about the impact of changes to...

Twitter Keeps Sharing 'Useless' Video Game Knowledge That's Actually Amazing

It’s right there in the Bible—ask, and it will be given to you. It’s also right there on gaming Twitter, where the small gaming podcast Super Pod Saga posed an innocent question on January 15 and people showed up to respond in droves: “What is the most useless piece of video game knowledge...

If You Get This New Marvel Snap Location ,You’re Gonna Have A Bad Time

Just when I was about to settle down for my long winter’s nap and play a shit ton of Marvel Snap, the hit mobile card game just threw its worst location yet into heavy rotation. Vormir is where stuff goes to die, including my sanity thanks to some brutal slowdown and quirky bugs.Read more

11 Gruesome Horror Games, Ranked By How Much They Made Us Scream

Despite being afraid of literally anything and everything on the planet, I love Halloween. Octobers mean dutifully logging a slasher a day in my Letterboxd account, or using my journal to hash out what Friday the 13th would have been if Jason were handsome under the mask (he’s a waterlogged hermit...

Let Us Notis That Ari Is Leaving

Ari Notis, Kotaku’s primary source for guides, puns, and woefully uncritical games coverage, is leaving us. That absolute bastard.Read more

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