
Nalezeno "jest": 14

How to Use window.crypto in Node.js

I’ve been writing a bunch of jest tests recently for libraries that use the underlying window.crypto methods like getRandomValues() and window.crypto.subtle key management methods. One problem I run into is that the window.crypto object isn’t available, so I need to shim it. To use...

JavaScript Class Privates

One of my aspects of JavaScript that drew me to it as a young developers was that its syntax was loose and I could code quickly. As you gain experience as an engineer, you start to realize that some traditional coding structure is a good thing, even if it slows you down. Using Jest or […] The...

React Integration Testing: Greater Coverage, Fewer Tests

Integration tests are a natural fit for interactive websites, like ones you might build with React. They validate how a user interacts with your app without the overhead of end-to-end testing.  This article follows an exercise that starts with a simple website, validates behavior with unit...

Automated Selenium Testing with Jest and LambdaTest

You know what the best thing is about building and running automated browser tests is? It means that the site you're doing it on really matters. It means you're trying to take care of that site by making sure it doesn't break, and it's worth the time to put guards in place against that breakages....

Getting Started with Front End Testing

Amy Kapernick covers four types of testing that front-end devs could and should be doing: Linting (There's ESLint for JavaScript and Stylelint or Prettier for CSS.) Accessibility Testing (Amy recommends pa11y, and we've covered Axe.) Visual Regression Testing (Amy recommends Backstop, and we've...

How We Perform Frontend Testing on StackPath’s Customer Portal

Nice post from Thomas Ladd about how their front-end team does testing. The list feels like a nice place to be: TypeScript - A language, but you're essentially getting various testing for free (passing the right arguments and types of variables) Jest - Unit tests. JavaScript functions are doing...

Web Developer Search History

Sophie Koonin blogged "Everything I googled in a week as a professional software engineer," which was a fascinating look into the mind of a web developer and what they need to look up during day-to-day work. We all joke that we just Google stuff (or StackOverflow stuff) we don't know off the...

Getting Started with React Testing Library

I can guess what you are thinking: another React testing library? So many have already been covered here on CSS-Tricks (heck, I’ve already posted one covering Jest and Enzyme) so aren’t there already enough options to go around? But react-testing-library is not just another testing library. It’s...

Awesome Visual Testing with Percy! (Sponsored)

The more complex the applications I work on, the more I rely on and invest in testing. Whether it’s flow typing, jest tests, unit tests, or selenium tests, I rely on all of them to enforce integrity and save me from myself. One type of testing that’s incredibly important but often...

Writing Tests for React Applications Using Jest and Enzyme

While it is important to have a well-tested API, solid test coverage is a must for any React application. Tests increase confidence in the code and helps prevent shipping bugs to users. That’s why we’re going to focus on testing in this post, specifically for React applications. By the end, you’ll...

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