
Nalezeno "legalization": 63

Russian Businesses Ask Putin to Help Legalize Crypto

A body representing the interests of Russian businesses has called on president Putin to help with crypto legalization. Their proposals, including on the use of cryptocurrencies in foreign trade settlements, have been included in a report to Russia’s head of state. Companies Urge President Putin...

Pakistan to Ban Online Services Related to Cryptocurrencies

Authorities in Pakistan intend to prohibit all internet-based crypto services despite significant digital-asset investments made by Pakistanis. The decision comes as government officials in Islamabad take a strong stance against the legalization of cryptocurrencies like bitcoin. Crypto ‘Will Never...

Russian Parliament Postpones Adoption of Crypto Mining Bill

Russian lawmakers will consider a draft law on cryptocurrency mining in 2023 despite earlier indications they were going to vote on the proposal in December. The bill is expected to set the rules for the extraction and sale of cryptocurrency in Russia amid sanctions limiting the country’s access...

Bank of Russia to Test International Crypto Payments With Companies

The Central Bank of Russia plans to use cryptocurrency for cross-border payments in trials with private companies, a member of its top management has revealed. The testing will be conducted under a special legal regime that’s currently under development. Russia’s Central Bank to Explore Crypto...

Russia Plans to Allow Mining of Any Cryptocurrency, Lawmaker Unveils

Newly proposed legislation aims to permit the minting of any cryptocurrency in Russia, a prominent lawmaker has revealed. While the draft law states that the circulation of the minted coins should take place outside Russian jurisdiction, an upcoming bill provides for their use under “experimental...

Crypto Payments May Not Help Russia Bypass Sanctions, Experts Say

Russia is preparing to authorize international crypto payments but people involved in the industry doubt this would allow the country to circumvent sanctions. At the same time, the United States has been tightening the noose, recently targeting the use of cryptocurrencies to dodge the financial...

Russia Starts Developing Mechanism for International Crypto Payments

Financial authorities in Russia have begun work on a mechanism to facilitate the employment of cryptocurrencies for settlements with other nations amid sanctions. The country’s central bank and finance ministry have already agreed on a draft law regulating cross-border crypto payments....

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