Is Blizzard Teasing An Overwatch ‘Classic’?
Overwatch 2 has been in such a rough spot as of late that it’s impossible to not be nostalgic for the original game’s heyday. The sequel hasn’t panned out the way Blizzard promised after it reportedly canceled the story campaign that was the whole point of a sequel. So it’s easy to look at all...
Overwatch 2 Heroes As Transformers Look Pretty Sick, Actually
Overwatch 2’s latest collaboration gives four of its heroes skins based on Transformers. It started with a comic that seems to actually canonize the robots in disguise within Blizzard’s universe, rather than simply letting its characters “cosplay” something from a different property as it did with...
New Fan-Made Set Lets You Play Tetris With Lego Bricks
We’ve gotten some Lego sets based on video games over the last few years. Stuff like the Atari 2600 set, or all the Super Mario Bros. playsets featuring various characters and obstacles. But none of them are as cool as this fan-made Lego set that turns Tetris into a playable tabletop game.Read more
What’s Going On With Overwatch 2’s Story Missions?
When Blizzard first announced it was making Overwatch 2 in 2019, a sequel to what could have easily gone on being a regularly updated live-service game, one of the big pillars of the pitch was that we’d finally be getting a full-fledged campaign for the shooter that would move the story forward....
Overwatch’s Anime Is Good, But Feels Like It’s Years Late
In a vacuum, Genesis: An Overwatch Mini-Series is great. The three-part anime is lovingly animated and well-acted, and finally expands upon the origins of Overwatch in a way that goes beyond voice lines and passing mentions in comics or short stories. But each time I finished one of the episodes,...
Lego Overwatch se odkládá kvůli kauze sexuálního obtěžování
Světoznámý výrobce stavebnic Lego oznámil, že chystaný set inspirovaný známou videoherní značkou Overwatch se odkládá na neurčito. Důvodem je probíhající skandál ohledně údajného sexuálního zneužívání ve společnosti Activision Blizzard