8 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza In Hawaii
Yeah, playing as a yakuza running around the streets of Japan is cool, but have you ever tried it in Hawaii, while dressed like a pirate with a crew that includes no less than three highly intelligent zoo animals? No, you’re lying, of course you haven’t, which is the secret sauce that makes Like...
Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza In Hawaii's Crew Member Types Explained
Have you seen the absolute size of your pirate ship in Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii? It’s impossible to run a vessel of such an immense size without a crew, and thankfully, the islands of Hawaii feature some of the most hardened cosplayers in the nation, so you’re never without a shortage...
Who Is The Best Boarding Squad Leader In Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza In Hawaii?
As you start your pirate journey in Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii—an absolute fever dream of an experience—you’ll find your meager pirate crew proves initially lackluster. Sure, you have a washed-up drunken father who can navigate, and a cook wielding the most enormous cleaver I’ve ever...
Recenze hry Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii. Na šílenější piráty jen tak nenarazíte, ale příběh na hlavní sérii nemá
Série Yakuza, kterou nyní už i u nás známe jako Like a Dragon, byla vždycky šílená. Proto mě ani moc nepřekvapilo oznámení spin-offu, ve kterém si střihne Madžima roli kapitána pirátské posádky. Tenhle spletenec ale dohromady nefunguje příliš dobře
RECENZE: Pirátská Yakuza je naprostá šílenost
Spin-off série městských akcí Like a Dragon, dříve známých pod jménem Yakuza, tentokrát láká na hledání legendárního pokladu a námořní bity, to vše v moderních časech. Celé toto šílené dobrodružství si lze užít i bez znalosti předchozích dílů
Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza In Hawaii Hands-On: The Next Act In Gaming’s Greatest Variety Show
As someone who has only casually engaged with the Yakuza / Like a Dragon series, I’m fascinated with its ability to sway in and out of different genres and subgenres while still maintaining the wacky soap-opera core that has made it so beloved. Yakuza has shapeshifted from a crime drama beat-em-up...
Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza In Hawaii Looks As Bonkers As It Sounds In The Spin-Off's Announcement Trailer
Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii will bring the criminal sandbox soap opera back for another annual release early next year, Sega announced on Friday during the September 2024 RGG Summit. The apparent spin-off will follow the swashbuckling exploits of long-time series character Goro Majima...
V dalším díle drsňácké Yakuzy se staneme kapitánem pirátů
Studio Ryu Ga Gotoku chrlí poslední dobou jeden díl Like a Dragon, respektive Yakuzy za druhým. Motivem právě odhaleného Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii jsou piráti
Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii