Soon Venom Will Be Twerking His Juicy Cheeks All Over Marvel Rivals
Free-to-play juggernaut Marvel Rivals is getting a twerking Venom emote just in time for April Fool’s Day. And yes, this is real.Read more
Apple Watch mohou fungovat jako myš pro Mac. Poklepáním prstů klikáte, pohyb kurzoru je náročnější
** Apple Watch dokáží na dálku ovládat MacBook ** Slouží jako vzdálená myš, pro výběr poklepete dvěma prsty ** Podobná aplikace je dostupná i pro hodinky s Wear OS
Nejvýkonnější Mac v historii stojí minimálně 125 tisíc. Studio s čipem M3 Ultra je rychlejší i než Mac Pro
Apple včera neuvedl jen aktualizované MacBooky Air , ale též nové Macy Studio, momentálně nejvýkonnější počítače v jeho nabídce. Jsou silnější i než předloňský Mac Pro, který ale pořád má výhodu v bohaší konektorové výbavě a možnosti rozšíření o další karty a SSD prostřednictvím PCIe slotů. Jako u
Marvel Rivals' Peni Parker Is A Trap-Setting Tank From The Future
Peni Parker is a spider-person from the future, but instead of relying on mutations or enhancements herself, she has her mechanized counterpart to fill the web-slinging role for her. Peni is a fantastic ‘setup’ tank who excels at area denial, if she has time to set up. Weaker when pushing,...
Proč se Macy jmenují zrovna takhle? I zde se Apple inspiroval jablkem
První počítače Applu nesly jednoduché označení Apple I, II a III. Pak přišla Lisa pojmenovaná po Jobsově dceři. V lednu 1984 ale firma uvedla první Macintosh a tohoto názvu se applovské počítače drží dodnes. Jen jej od roku 1998 postupně začala zkracovat na Mac. Název vymyslel Jef Raskin, který
Answering All Your Avowed Questions And More Of The Week's Top Tips
This week, we’ll kick things off by answering the questions you may have about Obsidian’s new first-person role-playing game Avowed (and if you want more tips to help you get started strong, look no further than this spoiler-free collection of things to know before you start playing). We’ll also...
The Internet Reacts To Shocking Marvel Rivals Layoffs
On February 18, NetEase laid off Marvel Rivals development team members, including game director Thaddeus Sasser, just two months after its incredibly successful launch. The hero shooter has been such a runaway success that the news blindsided people across the video game industry. According to...
Make Any File a Template Using This Hidden macOS Tool
Stationery Pad is a handy way to nix a step in your workflow if you regularly use document templates on your Mac. The long-standing Finder feature essentially tells a file’s parent application to open a copy of it by default, ensuring that the original file remains unedited.
Make Any File...
Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Puts A New Spin On Captain America: Civil War
When it comes to Marvel Cinematic Universe lore, few things have been more impactful than Captain America: Civil War, which signaled a seismic shift in the MCU’s future by introducing characters and moments Marvel fans still gush about. The seminal film is largely remembered for the jaw-dropping...
31 Moments That Made The Dragon Age Series Unforgettable
Today, we’re looking back at all four Dragon Age games, highlighting some of the best characters, choices, and consequences in all of Thedas, in order to celebrate a splendid series of games that now appears to have come to an end. On January 29, BioWare announced it would be restructuring to focus...
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Actor Was Relieved It's Not 'Annoying And Woke'
Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man is an animated remix paying tribute to the character’s 1960s comic book roots. It takes the character back to a high school setting in a modern age but an alternate universe from that in the MCU. Voice actor Hudson Thames is reprising his role as Spidey from...
Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Shows New Variations Of Marvel Favorites
In a newly released featurette on the upcoming animated series Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, head writer Jeff Trammell says the Disney+ show will be “bringing a lot to the table that those other Spider-Man shows may not have been able to do.” And if a glimpse of who’s joining the animated...
Mac mini slaví 20 let. Nejlevnější jablečný počítač historie ohromil rozměry i designem
Jedenáctého ledna 2005 Apple představil první Mac mini, 22. dne téhož měsíce jej začal prodávat. S cenou začínající na 499 dolarech šlo o do té doby nejdostupnější počítač s Mac OS X. Zároveň se jednalo o definitivní tečku za érou, kdy se Apple snažil zvýšit tržní podíl například tím, že
Recenze počítače Apple Mac mini (2024). Tohle je poprvé, co chválíme Apple za poměr výbava/cena
** Super výkonný počítač od Applu nikdy nebyl dostupnější ** Navzdory malé velikosti trumfne i některé velké sestavy a nešetří ani na portech ** Cena přitom startuje na skvělých 17 500 Kč
Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man's Place In The MCU Timeline Revealed
A Marvel TV series can’t exist for too long before its chronological placement in the tapestry of titles known as the Marvel Cinematic Universe is revealed. Weeks before Disney’s cel-shaded series Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man makes its debut, executive producer Dana Vasquez-Eberhardt...
Jízdní řád u Applu. Brzy dorazí nové MacBooky Air, za pár měsíců pak nejvýkonnější Mac Studio
Apple letos aktualizuje hned několik řad Maců a podle Marka Gurmana z Bloombergu s tím začne hodně brzy. Doslova za dveřmi jsou 13" a 15" MacBooky Air , jejichž hlavní novinkou má být výkonnější čip M4 a s ním pravděpodobně i možnost připojit dva externí monitory zároveň s interním displejem.
Harness Venom's Incredible Symbiote Powers In Marvel Rivals
Looking to wicked the evil ways of the symbiote with Venom, the best dive tank in Marvel Rivals? With so many players jumping into what is arguably the hottest hero shooter right now, it can be hard to rise above the rest of the pack in Marvel’s new hero shooter. However, learning this character...
These Are The Two Best Vanguard Heroes In Marvel Rivals
Marvel Rivals features three types of heroes: Vanguards, Duelists, and Strategists. Arguably, the Vanguard can change the tide of battle the most. Traditionally known as tanks, the role of these heroes is to soak up damage to let the rest of their team invade the objective and make their way...
Report: Apple Has Halted Production Of Its Colossally Expensive Vision Pro VR
Apple has certainly carved itself a market for selling extremely well-made products at ludicrously high prices. Given an audience willing to fork out eye-watering amounts for its laptops and phones, it’s perhaps not surprising that the company assumed it could do the same in the cursed world of...
Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man’s Alternate Marvel Timeline Turns Heads In Flashy First Trailer
Marvel’s latest Disney+ animated series is called Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man and it’s another origin story for the webcrawler, but with one brings some hefty changes with it as it explores an alternate history that exchanges Tony Stark’s tutelage for a mentoring Norman Osborne. The first...