Nalezeno "mamma mia": 3
Longtime Mario Voice Actor Charles Martinent ‘Stepping Back’ From Role
Charles Martinet, the actor whose voice has been synonymous with Mario since the mid-90s, is moving into a new role at Nintendo, the company announced on X (formerly Twitter).Read more
Mamma Mia, Someone's Remaking Super Mario Bros. With A Realistic Chris Pratt
It feels like it was only yesterday when Shigeru Miyamoto pulled the goomba rug out from under our collective gamer asses with the surprise announcement of the bizarre Hollywood cast of the upcoming Super Mario Bros. movie. While the casting of Chris Pratt in the starring role horrified many,...
Mamma mia! Před 100 lety vyrazily miliony Italů za štěstím do Ameriky
Italové na konci 19. století podnikli na americký kontinent doslova „nájezd“. Vyhnala je hospodářská krize, ale také stav země po válce severu proti jihu – první z přistěhovalců totiž nahradili padlé vojáky ve výrobě i dolech…