
Nalezeno "meeseeks": 2

Zack Snyder Mains Mr. Meeseeks In Fortnite

Sure, Zack Snyder loves making five-hour-long movies. But he’s still a person who needs to relax and take a break from all the work. And apparently, he spent quite a lot of time playing Fortnite as Mr. Meeseeks, saying that he took a “deep dive” into the popular free-to-play online shooter. Read...

Fortnite's Plague Doc Skin Is Back After Three Years, Fans Blame COVID

Yesterday, after 1,410 days (or 3 years and 10 months) the Grim Medicine cosmetic set—complete with the popular Plague Doctor skin—returned to Fortnite’s in-game store, letting players buy it for the first time since the start of the covid-19 pandemic. And many believe it was the pandemic itself...

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