Ubisoft Brings Back Might and Magic Game They Shut Down In July
In June, Ubisoft took down some DRM servers that accidentally broke Might & Magic X - Legacy, to the point where the game had to be removed from shopfronts. A few months later, and probably after some folks had long assumed the game was simply dead, it’s back.Read more
Ubisoft Screws Up DRM Servers, Then Somehow Makes Things Worse
Last month, Ubisoft decided to end online support for a bunch of older games, but in doing so also brought down the DRM servers for Might and Magic X - Legacy, meaning players couldn’t access the game’s singleplayer content or DLC.Read more
Ubisoft DRM Breaks Might & Magic X: Legacy Single-Player, DLC
On June 1 Ubisoft shut down online services for several popular games. One of those games was 2014's Might & Magic X: Legacy, an old-school first-person hack-n-slash dungeon crawler with no online multiplayer components whatsoever. It did, however, require a one-time verification through...