
Nalezeno "minister": 536

Indian Finance Minister: Crypto Regulation Needs Global Consensus

Indian Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman advocates for global consensus on cryptocurrency regulation, highlighting the need for international cooperation, particularly within the G20. She noted that while Indian regulators have differing opinions regarding how to treat crypto, there is currently...

New Zealand Minister Calls for Overhaul of Digital Asset Regulations

The Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs of New Zealand, Andrew Bayly, has recommended a revamp of the country's approach to digital assets and blockchain technology.  The post New Zealand Minister Calls for Overhaul of Digital Asset Regulations appeared first on Cryptonews

Iceland’s Prime Minister Vows to Prioritize Food Security Over Bitcoin

Iceland’s Prime Minister Katrín Jakobsdóttir has vowed to focus more power on producing food internally while reducing the energy expenditure in data centers and bitcoin mining. Jakobsdóttir stated that while the country was working to achieve carbon neutrality, bitcoin and cryptocurrencies...

Indonesia’s Presidential Election Sees Crypto-Friendly Team in the Running

Indonesia former Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto has declared victory in the presidential election following unofficial vote counts indicating a significant lead, potentially securing a single-round win in his third bid for the presidency.  Subianto, along with his pro-crypto running mate Gibran...

How Indonesia’s Election Outcome Will Impact Crypto

Indonesia, a trillion-dollar economy, is impossible to ignore. The country held its election on Wednesday with defence minister Prabowo Subianto and ex-governors Anies Baswedan and Ganjar Pranowo all competing to become the next president. In December, Indonesia’s Mayor Gibran Rakabuming...

Former British Finance Minister Denies Crypto Lobbying Allegations

The UK’s former Chancellor of the Exchequer, Lord Philip Hammond, has denied allegations that he may have been illegally lobbying for crypto company Copper. Hammond currently Chairs the Switzerland-based crypto firm. He has had the appointment since January last year after first serving as...

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