Netflix Delisting Almost All Its Interactive Shows And Movies Next Month
Remember a few years ago when Netflix dipped its toes into the world of video games by creating interactive choose-your-own-adventure movies and TV shows? Well, almost all of those odd experiments are being removed from the service with little warning next month. Read more
FBI Investigates Bitcoin Developer Event Linked to Luke Dashjr’s Hack
Mike Schmidt complied with an FBI subpoena to provide information on attendees at a developer event, as part of the investigation into the theft of Luke Dashjr's Bitcoins.
The post FBI Investigates Bitcoin Developer Event Linked to Luke Dashjr’s Hack appeared first on Cryptonews
Witcher Showrunner Says Season 1 ‘Plot Hole’ Was Planned
Lauren Hissrich, showrunner for Netflix’s The Witcher series, says that an aspect of the show’s first season which many fans consider a plot hole was actually planned all along.Read more
Ethena Raises $6.5 Million to Develop an Ethereum-Based, Banking System Independent Stablecoin
Ethena, a protocol that seeks to build a banking system independent stablecoin, has announced that it has raised $6.5 million in its seed round. The round, led by Dragonfly, aims to help issue Ethena’s decentralized stablecoin product in Q3 2023, which was inspired by an article written...
New York Federal Reserve and US Banks Complete Programmable Dollar CBDC Test
The New York Federal Reserve and a group of financial institutions announced the successful conclusion of a proof-of-concept of the Regulated Liability Network (RLN), which contemplates the introduction of a dollar-based interbank central bank digital currency (CBDC). The test concluded that, using...
Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt Is Skeptical About the Metaverse Concept
Eric Schmidt, who was CEO of Google, has declared that there is confusion about the concept of the metaverse and what it means for people. Schmidt stated that, even with a company like the former Facebook pivoting its operations to occupy the metaverse market, there is still not a clear definition...
CoinDesk Confidential: Robin Schmidt
Head of video and multimedia at media company The Defiant, answers our questionnaire ahead of Consensus 2022
CoinDesk Confidential: Robin Schmidt
Head of video and multimedia at media company The Defiant, answers our questionnaire ahead of Consensus 2022
Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt Starts Investing in Cryptocurrency — Finds Web3 Economics ‘Interesting’
Eric Schmidt, a former Google CEO whose net worth is $22.8 billion, reveals that he has put “a little bit” of money into cryptocurrency. He added that he finds Web3’s economics “interesting,” noting that the platforms and the use patterns are interesting....
Former Google CEO is now a strategic advisor for Chainlink Labs
Having previously previously described Bitcoin as "a remarkable cryptographic achievement" and with an estimated net worth of roughly $23.6 billion, Schmidt will likely be one of the wealthiest individuals acting as a Chainlink advisor
If You Want Indie Gaming News, You Just Have To Ask
Earlier today, I tweeted explaining that for some mad reason Kotaku had left me alone at the wheel of their website today, and asked my followers for breaking AAA news to fill in the awkward holiday Monday-driven game-world silence. It turns out they don’t know what triple-A means, but what they...
Konec jedné éry. Eric Schmidt po 19 letech definitivně opouští Google
Jeden z nejdůležitějších mužů historie Googlu již žádným způsobem nefiguruje ve společnosti. Eric Schmidt podle serveru CNET v únoru potichu opustil pozici technického poradce Alphabetu, čímž ukončil své téměř 19leté angažmá ve firmě, která pod jeho vedením doslova změnila svět.
Jméno Erica
Do mimořádně úsporné sprchy Nebia investovali i Tim Cook a Eric Schmidt
Nebia je startup, který chce zaujmout projektem úsporné sprchy. Záměr se zatím daří - k investicím přilákal například generálního ředitele Applu Tima Cooka či bývalého předsedu představenstva Googlu Erica Schmidta. Čím je sprchová hlavice tak zajímavá?
Nová generace sprchových hlavic si klade za
Německý kancléř Schmidt vykouřil až 40 cigaret denně
23. prosince 1918 se narodil Helmut Schmidt. Vášnivý kuřák se v roce 1974 stal pátým spolkovým kancléřem západního Německa
Eric Schmidt po 17 letech odchází z vedení Alphabetu. Za jeho vlády se z Googlu stala technologická velmoc
Když se řekne Google, každému se vybaví Larry Page a Sergey Brin jakožto zakladatelé jedné z největších internetových korporací, nicméně neméně důležitý byl zejména v začátcích Eric Schmidt, který v Googlu a posléze Alphabetu strávil dlouhých sedmnáct let a oběma studentům ze Stanfordu, kteří
Šéf společnosti Alphabet, která vlastní Google, končí
Šéf holdingu Alphabet Eric Schmidt odstoupí z funkce, ale ve společnosti bude působit i nadále.Další články k tématu:Bývalý šéf Googlu povede poradní skupinu PentagonuGoogle skryje zprávy od serverů, které maskují svůj původVolby, Kajínek, Účtenkovka nebo hokej ovládly český Google v roce...