RETRO: Od brutálních stříleček po Pána prstenů. Zavření studia Monolith bolí
Legendární studio Monolith, které dalo světu značky jako Blood, F.E.A.R., No One Lives Forever nebo třeba Shadow of Mordor bylo nečekaně zavřeno. Pojďte si připomenout jeho třicetiletou kariéru plnou nezapomenutelných hitů, ale i nezbytné vaty
Incredible Horror Shooter F.E.A.R. Just $1 As GOG Races To Save Monolith's Old Games
Following the news that Warner Bros is closing video game developer Monolith Productions, digital storefront GOG has stepped in and announced that one of the studio’s most beloved games, FEAR, will join the store’s preservation program. And it sounds like more Monolith games will also be joining...
Comic Book Writer Says Unfinished Wonder Woman Game Was 'Gorgeous And Expansive'
The sudden closure of Monolith Productions and the cancelation of its Wonder Woman game has left many scratching their heads. Could it really have been that far off from releasing? Was it really going to cost that much to take it the rest of the way over the finish line? Answers to those questions...
Padla další studia. Loučí se tvůrci Shadow of Mordror, Wonder Woman nebude
Warner Bros. Discovery se rozhodlo na základě neuspokojivých výsledků z minulého roku zavřít hned tři herní studia, mezi nimiž jsou i legendární Monolith Productions, kteří v roce 1994 debutovali střílečkou Blood
The Nemesis System Was One Of The Best Things Gaming Ever Did And WB Just Killed It
Today, February 25, it was announced Warner Bros. is shutting down Monolith Productions, Player First Games, and Warner Bros. Games San Diego, as well as canceling Monolith’s Wonder Woman game. This follows multiple stories of turnover at the company, including the shutdown of crossover fighter...
Report: Warner Bros. Cancels Wonder Woman Game And Shuts Down Shadow Of Mordor Studio
Monolith Productions revealed it was making a Wonder Woman game back in 2021. Now Bloomberg reports it’s been canceled and the studio best known for the Middle-Earth: Shadow of War games is being shutdown as well as part of larger cuts at Warner Bros. Games after 2024's Suicide Squad bombed...
Warner Bros. Wonder Woman Will Defy An Obnoxious Gaming Trend
We still know next to nothing about Wonder Woman, the new action-adventure game from Shadow of Mordor developers Monolith Productions. But we did learn one important detail this past weekend: It won’t be a live-service game, according to the project’s publisher.Read more