What on Earth is the `types` Descriptor in View Transitions?
The @view-transition at-rule has two descriptions. One is the commonly used navigation descriptor. The second is types, the lesser-known of the two, and one that probably envies how much attention navigation gets. But read on to learn why we need types and how it opens up new possibilities...
Fancy Menu Navigation Using Anchor Positioning
Anchor positioning can be great for little interactive effects — as Temani Afif shows off with this clever idea for a menu hover.
Fancy Menu Navigation Using Anchor Positioning originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter
UK crypto industry publishes Travel Rule navigation guide
The Travel Rule requires crypto businesses to collect, verify and share information about digital asset transactions with another crypto company
Hades 2's Biggest Early Access Patch Yet Just Made A Bunch Of Weapons Stronger
Just a month into Hades 2's Early Access launch, the acclaimed action-RPG is already getting its second update, and it’s a major one. Patch 2 is full of dozens of buffs and bug fixes, as well one change that reduces how often final boss Chronos is “patently unfair.” Read more
Recent Design Finds: Compact Navigation
A little collection of website menus that are compact and open into nifty boxes or shapes Announces Launch of Innovative Inscription Launchpad and Navigation Services
Jan 30th, Panama City –, a leading digital asset trading platform, is proud to announce the launch of its innovative Inscription Launchpad and Navigation service. Designed for blockchain innovators and investors, it leverages Web3 technology to provide a straightforward, all-in-one...
Grid Flow Animation
A loading and navigation animation where thumbnails "flow" into a grid
Building a Scrollable and Draggable Timeline with GSAP
Learn how to build a scrollable and draggable horizontal timeline using GSAP's ScrollTrigger and Draggable plugins.
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Remove Trackers
Earlier this week, I tried out a starter theme for a blog platform. The theme had loads of nice default features: pretty typography, fancy navigation, dark mode widget… and a couple of default trackers I really don’t want just sitting …
Slideshow with Filter Reveal Effect
A slideshow page layout with a filter enhanced navigation effect.
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Icon Glassmorphism Effect in CSS
I recently came across a cool effect known as glassmorphism in a Dribble shot. My first thought was I could quickly recreate it in a few minutes if I just use some emojis for the icons without wasting time …
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Using CSS Shapes for Interesting User Controls and Navigation
Straight across or down, that’s the proverbial order for user controls on a screen. Like a list of menu items. But what if we change that to a more fluid layout with bends, curves, and nooks? We can pull it …
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Layout with Reveal Animations and Content Preview
Some experimental reveal animations on typographic elements as repeating pattern for a website design.
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How to Code the K72 Marquee Hover Animation
Learn how to recreate the direction-aware marquee menu hover effect seen on the website of K72 by Locomotive.
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Inline to Menu Link Animation
An experimental inline-to-menu-link animation based on a concept by Matthew Hall.
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Creating a Smart Navbar With Vanilla JavaScript
Sticky, or fixed, navigation is a popular design choice because it gives users persistent access to navigate the site. On the other hand, it takes up space on the page and sometimes covers content is a way that’s less than …
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In Praise of the Unambiguous Click Menu
I still remember my excitement when I learned how to build a hover-triggered submenu with just CSS. (It was probably after reading this 2003 article from A List Apart.) At the time, it was a true CSS trick. Seriously. …
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Table of Contents with IntersectionObserver
If you have a table of contents on a long-scrolling page, thanks to, say, position: fixed; or position: sticky;, the IntersectionObserver API in JavaScript is the perfect companion to highlight items in the table of contents when corresponding content …
The post Table of Contents with...
A Super Flexible CSS Carousel, Enhanced With JavaScript Navigation
Not sure about you, but I often wonder how to build a carousel component in such a way that you can easily dump a bunch of items into the component and get a nice working carousel — one that allows …
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How We Improved the Accessibility of Our Single Page App Menu
I recently started working on a Progressive Web App (PWA) for a client with my team. We’re using React with client-side routing via React Router, and one of the first elements that we made was the main menu. Menus …
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