
Nalezeno "nesting": 6

Help choose the syntax for CSS Nesting

CSS Nesting is making the rounds yet again. Remember earlier this year when Adam and Mia put three syntax options up for a vote? Those results were tallied and it wasn’t even even close. Now there’s another chance … Help choose the syntax for CSS Nesting originally published...

Ex-Ubisoft Devs Open New Studio, Immediately Diss Ubisoft

Nesting Games, a newly formed development studio based in Québec, Canada, today announced its co-ownership by Italian publisher Digital Bros. Nesting, officially established in August by former Ubisoft employees, wasted no time in distancing itself from the open world style that has become...

CSS Nesting, specificity, and you

Here’s Kilian Valkhof on CSS nesting which isn’t available in browsers yet, but will be soon. There are a few differences he notes between CSS nesting and nesting in Sass or Less though. Take, for example, the following code: div … The post CSS Nesting, specificity, and you appeared...

Nested Media Queries

We don’t have “regular” nesting in CSS. Maybe this becomes a thing someday, or something like it. That would be cool, although that pre-spec doesn’t mention anything about media queries. I’d hope we get that right out of the gate … The post Nested Media Queries...

Can you nest @media and @support queries?

Yes, you can, and it doesn't really matter in what order. A CSS preprocessor is not required. It works in regular CSS. This works: @supports(--a: b) { @media (min-width: 1px) { body { background: red; } } } And so does this, the reverse nesting of the above: @media (min-width:...

Where Do You Nest Your Sass Breakpoints?

I love nesting my @media query breakpoints. It's perhaps the most important feature of Sass to me. Maybe I pick a method and do it like this: .element { display: grid; grid-template-columns: 100px 1fr; @include breakpoint(baby-bear) { display: block; } } That's straightforward enough....

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