Další hazardér s lidskými životy? Spoluzaložil OceanGate, nyní sní o kolonii na Venuši
Chtěli byste zkusit žít v atmosféře nejžhavější planety naší Sluneční soustavy? Už za pouhých pár desítek let to možná bude možné – alespoň podle spoluzakladatele společnosti OceanGate Guillerma Söhnleina.
Ten v nedávném rozhovoru pro Business Insider představil Humans2Venus, což je výzkumná
People Mistakenly Think Five Nights At Freddy’s Meme Audio Is From Titan Sub
If there’s one thing the internet loves, it’s spreading misinformation for the memes. In the midst of news flooding (sorry) through the internet about the OceanGate Titan submersible implosion, Five Nights At Freddy’s ended up becoming a part of the story on TikTok. It’s all thanks to a viral audio...
Grand Theft Auto V Immortalizes Lost Titanic Submarine With Fan Mod
One of the biggest slow motion tragedies in recent memory appears to have wrapped up with a bad if not altogether shocking ending. The lost OceanGate Expeditions Titan submersible is now believed to have imploded on its way to the Titanic wreck, and in fact the U.S. Navy apparently knew this...
Why The Missing Titanic Tourist Sub Has Everyone Talking About A Cheap Old Gaming Controller
Five people are currently missing after a tourist sub called the Titan tried searching for remains of the HMS Titanic. We don’t yet know why contact was lost, but the emergency search now underway has people pouring over every detail of the OceanGate Expeditions voyage and how the sub for it...