Argentina Faces Presidential Runoff: Massa and Milei Vie for Leadership Amid Economic Tensions
This past weekend in Argentina, a vote for the country’s next president led to a runoff between Finance Minister Sergio Massa of the Unión por la Patria party and libertarian candidate Javier Milei of the La Libertad Avanza party. In the Sunday vote, Massa received 37% while Milei...
Venezuela to Incorporate Bitcoin and Litecoin Wallets into National Remittances Platform
Venezuela says it will incorporate bitcoin and litecoin wallets to its Patria’s Cryptocurrency Remittance Platform. In an update, authorities in the country say this move will enable Venezuelan citizens to formally receive remittances in cryptocurrency form. Many citizens of hyperinflation...
Pandemic Assistance: Maduro to Airdrop Cryptocurrency to All Doctors in Venezuela
Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro has announced that he is airdropping cryptocurrency to every doctor in his country as a token of appreciation for their work to combat the coronavirus outbreak. The national cryptocurrency, the petro, will be distributed via the Homeland card (Carnet de...
Problems Escalate in Venezuela as Millions Rush to Spend Petros
According to the Venezuelan government, millions of families have used the petro, the country’s national digital currency, to pay for goods and services. As shoppers rush to spend their coins, merchants are reportedly struggling, effectively forced to sell goods at a deep discount. At least...
Maduro Plans to Airdrop Petro to Municipal Leaders and Eligible Citizens
The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro wants the nation state-issued cryptocurrency, petro (PTR) to have the same usability properties as a physical currency. On December 13, Maduro explained on national television that the Superintendence of Crypto-Assets and Related Activities (Sunacrip)...
Patria připravuje aplikaci Indigo, svět investic chce přinést co nejširší společnosti
Drobným a začínajícím investorům bude sloužit nová mobilní a webová aplikace Indigo. Ve spolupráci s inovačním studiem Pixelmate ji vyvíjí Patria Finance, obchodník s cennými papíry a člen skupiny ČSOB. Cílem aplikace je rozšířit svět investic do co nejširší společnosti. Hotová by měla být na konci...
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