
Nalezeno "preprocessors": 11

Jekyll doesn’t do components? Liar!

I like the pushback from Katie Kodes here. I’ve said in the past that I don’t think server-side languages haven’t quite nailed “building in components” as well as JavaScript has, but hey, this is a good point: 1. Any basic … The post Jekyll doesn’t...


It’s not every day you see a new processor for building websites that reinvents the syntax for HTML and CSS and JavaScript. That’s what imba is doing. That’s an awful lot of vendor lock-in, but I guess if you get … The post imba appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support...

How to Write Loops with Preprocessors

Loops are one of those features that you don’t need every day. But when you do, it’s awfully nice that preprocessors can do it because native HTML and CSS cannot. Sass (SCSS) for Loop CodePen Embed Fallback while Loop CodePen Embed Fallback each Loop CodePen Embed Fallback Less for...


This is a neat little HTML preprocessor from Giuseppe Gurgone. It has very few features, but one of them is HTML includes, which is something I continue to be baffled that HTML doesn’t support natively. There are loads of ways to handle it. I think it’s silly that it’s been...

When Sass and New CSS Features Collide

Recently, CSS has added a lot of new cool features such as custom properties and new functions. While these things can make our lives a lot easier, they can also end up interacting with preprocessors, like Sass, in funny ways. So this is going to be a post about the issues I’ve encountered...

CSS :is() and :where() are coming to browsers

Šime Vidas with the lowdown on what these pseudo-selectors are and why they will be useful: :is() is to reduce repetition¹ of parts of comma-separated selectors. :where() is the same, but nothing inside it affects specificity. The example of wrapping :where(:not()) is really great, as now there...

Blame the implementation, not the technique

I'm not sure we've gotten much better at this since Tim Kadlec wrote this in 2012: Stop me if you’ve heard this one before. “Responsive design is bad for performance.”“User agent detection is bad. Don’t segment the web.”“Hybrid apps don’t work as well as native apps.”“CSS preprocessors shouldn’t...

What I Like About Writing Styles with Svelte

There’s been a lot of well-deserved hype around Svelte recently, with the project accumulating over 24,000 GitHub stars. Arguably the simplest JavaScript framework out there, Svelte was written by Rich Harris, the developer behind Rollup. There’s a lot to like about Svelte (performance, built-in...

Why Parcel Has Become My Go-To Bundler for Development

Today we’re gonna talk about application bundlers — tools that simplify our lives as developers. At their core, bundlers pick your code from multiple files and put everything all together in one or more files in a logical order that are compiled and ready for use in a browser. Moreover, through...

Using Custom Properties to Wrangle Variations in Keyframe Animations

Have you ever wondered how to customize CSS animations keyframes without using any preprocessor feature, like mixins? I keep reaching for preprocessors for this reason, but it would so nice to drop yet one more dependency and go with vanilla CSS. Well, I found a way to account for variations within...

Combining the Powers of SEM and BIO for Improving CSS

CSS is easy, some might argue, but that "easiness" can cause messy code. This is especially true through power of preprocessors like Sass or Less where, if you aren’t careful, your CSS can become harder to deal with instead of easier. Sass? Harder? This Gist shows a great example of Sass nesting...

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