
Nalezeno "qwop": 5

Baby Steps Is A Game About A 'Failson' Who Cannot Walk

I am so dead inside to video game trailers that I woke up this morning—a day dedicated almost entirely to video game trailers—dreading the things I would have to see and write about. Imagine my surprise, then, when about 109 videos into the day I found one that I was laughing out loud at.Read more

And Now, A Game Where You're A Serial Killer (But Also Have No Bones)

Shhh…be very quiet if you are reading this in bed. I don’t want to alarm you, but there might be a serial killer hiding under your mattress. However, he might also have no bones and can only wiggle and flail about to get anywhere, which gives you a big advantage. It’s also the setup for a silly...

Exhausted Man, A Game For All Of Us Right Now

I’m tired. You, reading this right now, are probably tired. Tired is a constant state of being for most of us these days thanks to, you know, everything. Now, you can play a game that’s all about being tired.Read more

The Game That Gets Easier The More Tired You Are

This week’s Steam Next Fest, during which hundreds of in-development PC games released demos, features a game that really seems to care about how you’re doing just now. Please, Touch the Artwork is a puzzle adventure in which you’re allowed to prod at the paintings in an exhibition, and it picks...

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