Building Efficient Three.js Scenes: Optimize Performance While Maintaining Quality
A comprehensive look at how to optimize Three.js scenes using Fiber, Drei, and advanced tools, ensuring smooth performance while retaining high-quality visuals
Creating Generative Artwork with Three.js
Develop a dynamic, generative artwork using Three.js and grid systems, inspired by Lygia Clark's minimalist geometric designs
How to Code a Shader Based Reveal Effect with React Three Fiber & GLSL
A simple yet cool image reveal effect created with React-Three-Fiber/Drei and animated using Framer Motion
Creating Dynamic Terrain Deformation with React Three Fiber
An exploration of real-time terrain reshaping through user interactions, using React Three Fiber
How to Code a Subtle Shader Background Effect with React Three Fiber
Learn how to create an interactive shader background effect using React Three Fiber and Drei in four simple steps
How to Create a PS1-Inspired Jitter Shader with React-Three-Fiber
Learn how to create a custom jitter shader in React-Three-Fiber, inspired by the visual style of PS1-era games, to add a retro aesthetic to 3D models
Origami: 12 Free Animated 3D Objects
A set of twelve free 3D animations created with React Three Fiber and GSAP
How to Create a Liquid Raymarching Scene Using Three.js Shading Language
An introduction to Raymarching using the power of Signed Distance Fields (SDFs) and simple lighting to create a liquid shape effect
Creating an Animated Displaced Sphere with a Custom Three.js Material
Learn how to create an animated, displaced sphere using custom shaders with Three.js and React Three Fiber
Case Study: ToyFight — 2024
A snapshot of how the new ToyFight site was designed and developed
Exploring a 3D Text Distortion Effect With React Three Fiber
A quick tutorial on how to create a beautiful distorted text ring effect in React Three Fiber
Model Texture Transition and Procedural Radial Noise using WebGL
A WebGL experiment that explores two visual effects: a texture transition on a 3D can model and a procedural radial noise field
Creating an Interactive 3D Bulge Text Effect with React Three Fiber
Exploring how to generate an engaging bulge effect on text using React Three Fiber
On-Scroll Revealing WebGL Images
An exploration of on-scroll reveal effects for images in WebGL, using React Three Fiber
3D Glass Portal Card Effect with React Three Fiber and Gaussian Splatting
Explore the creation of a 3D glass portal with React Three Fiber, with optimized rendering using Gaussian Splatting and integrating real-world objects
Collective #794
Makereal tldraw * How to scale a large codebase * three-hex-tiling
Progressively Enhanced WebGL Lens Refraction
Learn how to create a responsive WebGL layout powered by CSS and React Three Fiber
Building a WebGL Carousel with React Three Fiber and GSAP
Learn how to create an interactive 3D carousel using WebGL, React Three Fiber, and GSAP with this step-by-step tutorial
Case Study: Studiogusto
Get a glimpse of the creative and innovative techniques used by Studiogusto, a dynamic agency, in designing their new website to better reflect their values and showcase their expertise
Animate a Camera Fly-through on Scroll Using Theatre.js and React Three Fiber
This tutorial will show you how to animate a camera flying through a 3D scene as the user scrolls using Theatre.js and React Three Fiber