Borderlands Movie First Impressions Call It 'Lifeless' And 'Really Bad'
After a very long wait, the live-action Borderlands movie finally arrives in theaters this weekend. But before that, the movie was screened for fans and critics in Los Angeles. And, based on the first impressions being posted online, the Borderlands movie sounds like a complete mess.Read more
These Online Stores Will Sell You Masks, Gloves, Emergency Items for Cryptocurrency
Events like the global coronavirus outbreak provide good justification for some prepping. Crises like this often result in shortages and skyrocketing prices of important emergency items, proving that everyone should keep a box of face masks and even a decent survival kit, should things go really...
Reddit Roasts the IRS: Have America’s Tax Collectors ‘Gone Crypto Fishing’?
In a juicy little chunk of news from the Redditsphere, a user claiming to be a former IRS employee has called the agency’s new crypto compliance letters “broad and very error-prone fishing expeditions.” The throwaway account details the “really bad data” used by...