Ron Paul Cautions Government Could Still Ban Bitcoin — Says He’s Influenced ‘a Whole Lot’ by History
Former U.S. Congressman Ron Paul says he still believes that the government could outlaw bitcoin mainly because he is “influenced a whole lot by history and the gold history.” Despite his warning, Paul stressed that crypto “should be obviously permitted.” Ron Paul...
Ron Paul Wants Bitcoin Totally Legalized to Compete With Dollar and Let the People Decide
Former U.S. congressman Ron Paul says that he wants to legalize the dollar’s competition, including bitcoin, and let the people decide which money to use, not the government. “Freedom of choice will sort it out,” he said. Ron Paul Wants to Legalize Bitcoin as Money to Compete With...
Former congressman Ron Paul: Bitcoin is money and should be taxed the same
Former congressman Ron Paul believes Bitcoin should be regulated and taxed the same as money
Ron Paul Warns of Government Crackdown on Bitcoin — ‘The Government Is the Threat’
Former congressman Ron Paul has warned of a government crackdown on bitcoin and safe-haven assets may not be safe from government intervention. “The government is the threat,” he said, noting that “they will crack down because they have the ability to do it.” Ron Paul Warns...