How Rusty's Retirement idle-farmed its way to 300k+ Steam sales!
Also: trending games coming out of Gamescom, and a ton of news
Změní mi to život, raduje se vývojář poté, co prodal 200 tisíc kopií své hry
Nezávislá strategie Rusty’s Retirement těží z velmi jednoduchých pravidel a minimálních nároků na hráče, lze ji v minimalistické podobě používat jako doplněk pracovní plochy. Za pouhý měsíc od vydání se jí prodalo více než 200 tisíc kopií, což pro jejího mladého vývojáře Jordana Morrise znamená...
Kaspa network launches Rusty Kaspa Node in open beta
Kaspa network brings the initial stable Rusty Kaspa (RK) node to the table, via which they will be moving towards an enhanced and maximized engine. Presently, being a segment of open beta, RK nodes consist of one-fourth of the P2P network and 29% related to hashrate mined via them. Transitioning...
Kotaku Asks: Who Got Snubbed At The Game Awards Nominations?
This week, creator and host of The Game Awards, Geoff Keighley, revealed which games are in the running for prizes at his showcase in December. Dozens of games were named across over 30 categories. What was missing?Read more
How Rusty Lake's 'immersive puzzle' worlds sell millions!
Also: an update on F2P PC games outside of Steam, and lots of news
7 Essential Demos Featured In Steam's Next Fest
Next Fest is Steam’s triannual event where hundreds of developers upload demo builds of their games for you to try for free. And it’s one of the very few things in gaming that just feels unambiguously positive! Indie sits alongside—or often above—AAA, nothing is about gouging anyone, and it revives...
Terrifying Co-Op Puzzler Forces Duos To See A Different Version Of The Game
Rusty Lake, the studio, have for years been creating some of the spookiest, most bizarre, and engrossing puzzle games. Becoming known for their incredible series of (free) short mobile games, Cube Escape, they then moved into full-length Lynchian creep-fests like Rusty Lake Hotel, Rusty Lake...
[článek] E-commerce v roce 2020: Dvou- i trojciferné růsty na vlnách pandemie
[7 minut čtení] Pokud si na dopady globální pandemie někdo nemůže stěžovat, je to česká e-commerce scéna, která zaznamenala nárůsty o desítky procent. Co dále přinesl končící rok českým e-shopům? Jedním z nepřehlédnutelných vítězů krize způsobené pandemií koronaviru byla letos bezesporu e-commerce....