
Nalezeno "sekiro3ashadowsdietwice": 13

A Year Later, Elden Ring Fans Are Still Finding Cut Characters, Quests

We’re probably around the corner from receiving some news of Elden Ring’s upcoming DLC, Shadow of the Erdtree. After all, it’s been over a year since FromSoftware’s grueling yet contemplative action game came out. People are ready to move onto newer and better things, right? But as dataminers like...

The Best (And Worst) Video Games To Play High

Throughout the years, stoner culture and gamer culture have become enmeshed, occasionally being mistaken for each other. While it may be a somewhat tired cultural connection (stoners are lazy, gamers are lazy, blah blah), there’s no denying that the two are quite complementary. They work well...

Every FromSoftware Soulslike Ranked From Worst To Best

I usually think “Soulslike” is a loaded term; FromSoftware’s legendarily grim and difficult 2011 role-playing game Dark Souls inspired a crowd of similarly grim, difficult games, but I don’t think any of those imitators can compare to the regal original. Except, maybe, FromSoftware’s other games...

New Soulslike Game Is A Solid Marriage Between Nioh And Sekiro

Soulslikes, a genre of punishing action RPGs popularized by Japanese developer FromSoftware, are all too common these days. Ever since Dark Souls came onto the scene in 2011,a bunch of studios have been trying their hands at FromSoft’s iconic formula. Some attempt to mix things up by introducing...

Twitch Streamer Plays FromSoftware Games In A Truly Absurd Way

Spend any time on the internet—whether Reddit, Twitter, or YouTube—and you’ve likely seen some streamer doing some absurd-ass playthrough of a Soulsborne game (probably Elden Ring). Whether it’s beating Margit with a harp or two Malenias simultaneously (one with a dance pad), there are some wild...

Steam Awards Crown To 'Best Game You Totally Suck At'

At this point, it goes without saying that Elden Ring is one of the most popular games of the past year. It’s won copious trophies, including the coveted Game of the Year accolade at The Game Awards. It blasted developer FromSoftware into mainstream critical acclaim. It was even the most completed...

Game Awards Photoshops Bill Clinton Kid Out Of Elden Ring Speech

The 2022 Game Awards ended with a random kid sneaking up on stage and muttering nonsense about “reformed Rabbi Bill Clinton.” The 2022 Game Awards is now, understandably, trying to pretend that never happened, blurring the kid out of a picture celebrating Elden Ring developer FromSoftware’s second...

Go Into Hibernation With Steam’s Giant Autumn Sale

Valve’s massive autumn Steam sale is officially underway and includes steep discounts on some of the best and biggest PC games, from atmospheric adventure In Other Waters to action Souls-like Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. Now’s the time to fill in any major holes in your gaming library and expand your...

300 Tries Later, A Twitch Streamer Bodied 7 Souls Games Completely Unscathed

So, there’s this thing in the FromSoftware community called the “God Run.” It’s a challenge run where you play through the studio’s various Soulsborne games without getting hit. It’s difficult, but not impossible. Two of them have been completed by other streamers already. And now, a third God...

From Demon’s Souls To Elden Ring: The 9 Scariest FromSoftware Bosses

FromSoftware has a penchant for creating horrifying enemies in its games. Usually either bloodied, deformed, or both, the developer’s grotesque monsters from Demon’s Souls to Elden Ring perfectly lend themselves to nightmare fuel, designs that almost always scare the shit outta me. They’re also...

Sekiro God's No-Damage Run Was Three Years In Making

No-hit runs in games—a kind of self-imposed challenge where you take zero damage from enemies—are nothing new, especially for tough-as-nails titles like Dark Souls. But Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice YouTuber TheUrbanOrb has taken that feat to the extreme, and after more than three years of practice...

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