
Nalezeno "shepard": 155

Citizen Sleeper 2 Ups The Ante With A Bigger And More Dangerous World

As an avid fan of 2022’s Citizen Sleeper and its subsequent DLCs, I consider myself an expert on the narrative-heavy RPG. So when I booted up my first playthrough of the Citizen Sleeper 2: Starward Vector preview build provided by developer Jump Over The Age, I was sure I would make all the right...

Everything We Saw At Today's Big Xbox Showcase

Today, June 9, 2024, Xbox took to the stage to show off a ton of games over the course of its nearly one-and-half-hour-long event. It was a healthy selection of games that featured a wide variety of genres and the return of a certain chainsaw-gun-wielding, bandana-wearing dude who’s ready to take...

Everything We Saw At Summer Game Fest 2024

Today, we got nearly two hours of new trailers for upcoming games courtesy of Geoff Keighley and his annual Summer Game Fest showcase. It was a lot to sit through, but if you missed out on the live stream or just want a recap of everything shown off today, we’ve got you covered. Read more

10 Hopes And Predictions For Summer Game Fest

It’s almost time for this year’s not-E3, Summer Game Fest. Geoff Keighley’s annual World Premierathon, and several ostensibly unrelated events orbit it, pile vast mountains of gaming news upon us. For a breakdown of everything going down in the next week, check out this handy dandy guide for when...

Kotaku’s Weekend Guide: 7 Games To Take You To Worlds Beyond

It’s the end of May, and the welcoming of June 2024. Summer is here. Pride month is here. And we’re taking the time this weekend to cram in some more gaming with a few recent titles, a wonderful indie game from a couple of years ago, the return of a GameCube title from 2004, and more. Read more

Dead Video Game Franchises We'd Like To See Return

Everyone has a sequel they’re waiting for someone to greenlight. Some of our favorite video game franchises exist in a sad state of limbo. It’s only natural that after decades of companies making games and trying to earn the most money from them, that some good titles would fall through the cracks...

The Last Of Us Season 2 Pics, Fallout Player Nukes Phil Spencer, And More News

It’s the middle of May 2024 and that means we’re nearly halfway through the year. What has this year been like in video game news? Tons of layoffs (sad), lots of new games (glad), and some weird outliers, as usual. This week, we saw set photos and official shots from The Last of Us season two, dove...

The Assassin’s Creed Heroes, Ranked From Worst To Best

Assassin’s Creed Shadows is adding two new heroes to the pantheon of brave and stealthy killers that span the centuries of the series’ historical fiction. One is Naoe, a ninja who will don the hood and hidden blade commonly associated with the titular Assassins of Ubisoft’s open-world action...

Kotaku’s Weekend Guide: 6 Games We're Obsessed With Right Now

We’re reaching the end of yet another week, and that (hopefully) means we’ve got a solid 48 hours of gaming bliss lined up. Perhaps you too are looking forward to spending some time this weekend gaming, but aren’t sure what to pick. Read more

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