The (Zero-Knowledge Proof) Singularity Is Near
This month may well be remembered as an inflection point in the acceleration toward real-time proving of transaction validity for blockchains
The singularity: How AI could become the final boss whale of crypto
World-renowned futurist Ray Kurtzweil says the singularity is coming sooner than expected
The singularity: How AI could become the final boss whale of crypto
World-renowned futurist Ray Kurzweil says the singularity is coming sooner than expected
Why did Fetch and SingularityNET AI-tokens just surge 30%?
Both AI-tokens Fetch and SingularityNET staged a strong price recovery after a three-month downtrend
The Blockspace Singularity
One of crypto's biggest flaws – a lack of mainstream use – could be going away
Frax Finance Targets $100B Value Locked in Singularity Roadmap
Frax's singularity roadmap has set a target of $100 billion in TVL for its layer 2 Fraxtal
No Man’s Sky Gets Sweet Quality Of Life Upgrades In Surprise Big Update
Spacebound survival game No Man’s Sky received a massive surprise update early on June 7, expanding on April’s stocked Interceptor update. This one, christened the “Singularity,” is “part expedition and part update with a ton of new content, story, gameplay and some of our most exciting rewards,”...
‘ChatGPT-like personal AI’ can now be run locally, Musk warns ‘singularity is near’
The AI model isn't as powerful as OpenAI's ChatGPT-4 but requires just 4GB of space and doesn't need the internet, providing immunity to AI censorship
Best Crypto to Buy Today 15 March – LHINU, AGIX, FGHT, STX, METRO, TARO
Global banking turmoil continues to mount as Credit Suisse, one of the world's largest financial institutions, faces possible collapse. The bank's shares have plunged more than 24% in a day--and Saudi National Bank, the largest shareholder in Credit Suisse, has declared that it won't provide...
Singularity Announces the Integration With Chainlink VRF
Singularity has announced the integration with Chainlink VRF on its Ethereum Mainnet. The integration grants Singularity access to a tamper-proof and auditable source of randomness that is required to mint non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Users gain from this integration as they get a fair mechanism...
Palia Could Be The Chill Animal Crossing MMO Of My Dreams
As much as I love storming castles, raiding dungeons, and waiting for rezzes, sometimes I just want to go online and hang out in a peaceful setting. New community simulation MMO Palia, with its fishing, farming, exploring, and decorating, might just fit the bill.Read more
Funding Roundup: Derivatives and Defi Draw a Fresh Influx of VC Firms and Private Investors
As blockchain technology disrupts traditional industry standards, the list of progressive investors willing to stake their money has increased significantly. Leveraging this ongoing investment trend, both upcoming and ongoing projects are attracting millions of dollars from private investors...
Say Hello to the Singularity
Blockchain will be the operating system of the "technological singularity" – for better or worse
Coronavirus Impacts on Bitcoin (And the IRS’s Dumb Singularity)
Andreas M. Antonopoulos, Stephanie Murphy and Adam B. Levine discuss coronavirus and its potential impacts or disruptions to the decentralized world of bitcoin. Plus a humorous look at the IRS's challenges as it lumps together bitcoin and... Ro-Bux?
[aktualita] Summit Singularity University se po roce vrací do Prahy
Po loňském premiérovém ročníku proběhne letos v dubnu v Praze na Žofíně druhý ročník summitu americké Singularity Univerzity. Do Prahy má přijet asi dvacítka expertů v oborech jako je umělá inteligence, genetika, mobilita, bankovnictví či biotechnologie, kteří budou přednášet o svých vizích...
Singularity University přichází do Prahy. České startupy se ukáží před světovou tech špičkou
Nejlepší způsob, jak předpovídat budoucnost, je vytvořit ji. Takové je heslo Singularity University, globální vzdělávací a inovační komunity s kořeny v Silicon Valley. Jejím cílem je využít technologie na řešení největších problémů lidstva. V Praze teď organizuje SingularityU Czech Summit,...
[aktualita] V Praze proběhne summit vizionářské Singularity University ze Silicon Valley
Umělá inteligence, robotika, neurověda, blockchain, ale také třeba budoucnost kriminality či hacking. To mají být témata, o kterých se bude mluvit na SingularityUCzechia Summitu. Za konferencí stojí Singularity University, think tank ze Silicon Valley založený v roce 2008 podnikatelem Peterem...