
Nalezeno "sprites": 3

Lessons Learned from Sixty Days of Re-Animating Zombies with Hand-Coded CSS

I’ll be linking to individual Pens as I discuss the lessons I learned, but if you’d like to get a sense of the entire project, check out 60 days of Animation on Undead Institute. I started this project to end on August 1st, 2020, coinciding with the publication of a book I wrote featuring...

Freak Flags

I don't see image sprites used that much anymore, but it's still a good technique for reducing downloaded decorative image assets when you have multiple on a page. The big idea is combining all the graphics into one and then shifting around the size and background-position to reveal one at...

A Snippet to See all SVGs in a Sprite

I think of an SVG sprite as this: <svg display="none"> <symbol id="icon-one"> ... <symbol> <symbol id="icon-two"> ... <symbol> <symbol id="icon-three"> ... <symbol> </svg> I was long a fan of that approach for icon systems...

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