The Year In Gaming Apologies
As always, video games had plenty to be sorry for this year. Big delays, busted launches, offensive remarks, you name it. None of us are perfect. Everyone’s trying to do better. Except for Babylon’s Fall. No second chances there.Read more
Malí muži nemají mít lidská práva, řekla slavná hráčka. A má po kariéře
Japonská hráčka vystupující pod přezdívkou Tanukana způsobila ve své zemi skandál. Během streamu totiž prohlásila, že malí muži mají být zbaveni lidských práv. V zemi, kde je polovina mužů nižších než 170 centimetrů, ovšem její slova pobavila jen málokoho
Another Pro Gamer With History Of Homophobia Fired In Wake Of Men's Height Controversy
Osaka-based esports team Cyclops Athlete Gaming has fired yet another player. Yesterday, it cancelled the contract of Tekken player Tanukana after a history of abusive comments, the last being about men under a certain height. Today, following revelations about some really unpleasant tweets, it...