Justin Sun paid $6M for a banana taped to a wall and now plans to eat it
The artwork consists of a regular store-bought banana stuck to a wall with duct tape. It sold in New York for four times the estimated sales price.
Extremely Chill Spray Paint Simulator Wants To Be Your Next Power Wash-Style Obsession
At PAX West, Kotaku got the chance to preview a previously unannounced game which has now officially been revealed to the public as Spray Paint Simulator. If you have played (dozens of hours of) PowerWash Simulator like I have, then you’ll be right at home with Spray Paint Simulator. We got...
Nejlepší sportovní hry. Nejsou to jen tradiční sporty, bodují i odlehčené tituly jako Tape to Tape a Ring Fit Adventure
Jste fanouškem určitého sportu nebo i více najednou? Videoherní prostředí nabízí bezpočet možných titulů, které vás zabaví na dlouhé hodiny. Tady jsou jedny z nejlepších!
Biden rázně zakročil. Uvalil 100% clo na dovoz čínských elektromobilů. Evropa zatím tápe
Administrativa amerického prezidenta Joa Bidena rapidně zvýší cla na dovoz čínských elektromobilů do USA. Místo současných 25 % začnou během letošního roku platit 100% cla.
Cla porostou také u baterií pro elektromobily: u nejpoužívanější lithiové technologie to bude ze 7,5 % na 25 %. Dosud
Může za 88 % našich emisí, ale jen 44 % energie. Uhlí skončí a Česko tápe, čím jej nahradit
Uhelné elektrárny jsou největším tuzemským znečišťovatelem ovzduší • Pokud skončí do deseti let, tuzemská energetika nebude soběstačná • Pomohou i kogenerační jednotky na zemní plyn
Twitch Star Kai Cenat Breaks Silence On Chaotic PS5 Giveaway
Kai Cenat briefly went live on Twitch late on August 10 to address the gaming giveaway turned flash mob he hosted in New York City a week earlier that drew massive crowds and eventually the police, resulting in multiple injuries. “I’m beyond disappointed in anybody who became disruptive that day,”...
Warnings of Regulatory ‘Siege,’ Binance US Asset Freeze Averted, Schiff Says Fed Destroyed US Banking System, and More — Week in Review
Red tape and confusion has been the theme in crypto news as of late, with cryptocurrency firms scrambling to stay compliant with regulators like the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), with little to no definite regulatory clarity made available to them thus far. In the wake of lawsuits...
The Week In Games: Open-World Vampire Slaying And Roguelite Hockey
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Destiny 2 Is Starting To Feel Like It’s Held Together With Duct Tape
Free-to-play online MMO looter shooter Destiny 2, released in 2017, is one of my favorite video games. I play it all the time. I have multiple characters. I own all the recent seasons. It’s fantastic. But I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t concerned for the game’s future, as with each passing season...
Rep. Tom Emmer mulls bringing back bill aimed at reducing crypto red tape
Tom Emmer is considering reintroducing a bill that removes the requirement for entities to be registered as money transmitters if they don’t handle customer assets
The FTX Sex Tape Marks a Bottom for Crypto Prices? Trader Predictions
'Sell when the Super Bowl ads hit, buy when the sex tapes hit' was one trading tip from crypto trader Cheds following the FTX scandal.
Cheds (@BigCheds) who has 291,000 followers, is not the only crypto influencer predicting that the FTX sex tape could be a bottom signal - alongside the wider...
Na PC konečně míří hokejová hra, ale nejspíše ne taková, jakou byste chtěli
PC hráči čekají na pořádnou hokejovou hru už skoro 14 let, a tak malé studio Excellent Rectangle vycítilo díru na trhu. Jejich chystaný Tape to Tape se ovšem místo licencí na skutečné hokejisty snaží nalákat hráče na mechanismy roguelike her
Kim Kardashian Threatens To Sue Roblox Over Sex Tape Ad, Creator Banned
I’m used to Roblox being almost everywhere, but I wasn’t expecting to see it in a clip of The Kardashians. On the April 14 episode “Burn Them All to the Fucking Ground,” Kim Kardashian became visibly upset after her son Saint supposedly discovered an in-game advertisement that used an image of...
Commonwealth Bank's plans to expand crypto services to 6.5M delayed by red tape
One of Australia’s biggest banks is still wading through a sea of red tape spun by local financial regulators before launching its crypto products to all of its retail users
How to Make a Pure CSS 3D Package Toggle
You know how you can get cardboard boxes that come totally flat? You fold ‘em up and tape ‘em to make them into a useful box. Then when it’s time to recycle them, you cut them back apart to flatten …
How to Make a Pure CSS 3D Package Toggle originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should...
Chrome OS po deseti letech. Urazil dlouhou cestu, přesto tápe
Čtrnáct dní jsem používal jako hlavní pracovní stroj notebook s Chrome OS – systémem, jímž měl Google před desíti lety udat nový trend směřování osobních počítačů. To se mu nepovedlo a radikální webtop přetvořil v běžný desktop
Davos Watch: 'The Old World of Currency Now Has To Catch Up'
Source: Adobe/Юрий Дьяконов
Experts say that the coronavirus pandemic has accelerated the pace of the shift from cash to digital payments, triggering an estimated 8% rise in non-cash payments in the euro area alone last year. But at the same time, a glut of central bank digital currency (CBDC)...
Painters Tape and Fault Tolerance
Snipping the top bit of Nicholas C. Zakas’s Top of the Month newsletter (go sign up!), with permission.
One of my favorite things in the world is painters tape (also called masking tape). It seems like something silly: some tape …
The post Painters Tape and Fault Tolerance appeared...
Republic Cuts Through SEC Red Tape to Raise $16M via Security Token Sale
Under a pair of SEC regulations, crowd-equity platform Republic has raised $16 million through the sale of its Republic Note security token
Coronavirus Bailouts: US Banking Watchdogs Waive Hundreds of Regulations, Red Tape, Financial Oversight
In 2019, cryptocurrency and blockchain businesses saw more regulation than any year prior. G20 finance ministers, central bank governors, and regulators cracked down hard on the bitcoin industry. However, during the covid-19 scare, U.S. authorities have been dropping regulations on a whim, making...