Implementing a Dissolve Effect with Shaders and Particles in Three.js
Learn how to create an emissive dissolve effect, a popular technique in games for smoothly fading or transforming objects
Building Efficient Three.js Scenes: Optimize Performance While Maintaining Quality
A comprehensive look at how to optimize Three.js scenes using Fiber, Drei, and advanced tools, ensuring smooth performance while retaining high-quality visuals
Creating My First Game Prototype in a Browser: The Journey So Far
An inside look at the creative process, challenges, and tools behind building a 3D game prototype from scratch
How to Make The Fluffiest Grass With Three.js
A breakdown of the best techniques to create realistic grass in Three.js without killing performance
Building an On-Scroll 3D Circle Text Animation with Three.js and Shaders
Learn how to create a circular text animation in 3D space using Three.js, shaders, and msdf-text-utils
Fractals to Forests – Creating Realistic 3D Trees with Three.js
Discover the algorithms behind EZ-Tree’s use of procedural generation and Three.js to create realistic 3D tree models
The Journey of Creating a 3D Portfolio
Merouane Bali shares the process behind his 3D web design, highlighting WebGL and React integration, along with the challenges and solutions that shaped this immersive portfolio
Creating Generative Artwork with Three.js
Develop a dynamic, generative artwork using Three.js and grid systems, inspired by Lygia Clark's minimalist geometric designs
Case Study: Dondre Green
This case study explores how The Blackpepper Studio meticulously designed and developed a digital portfolio that captures the artistic vision of Dondre Green, a New York-based Art Director and Photographer known for his innovative, narrative-driven, and storytelling work
Crafting a Dreamy Particle Effect with Three.js and GPGPU
Learn how to create an interactive particle effect using Three.js, GPGPU, and shaders
Creating Dynamic Terrain Deformation with React Three Fiber
An exploration of real-time terrain reshaping through user interactions, using React Three Fiber
Case Study: Anderson Moss ®️
Discover how Anderson Moss redefined its brand with an award-winning website that blends artful design with innovative tech
How to Code a Subtle Shader Background Effect with React Three Fiber
Learn how to create an interactive shader background effect using React Three Fiber and Drei in four simple steps
Interactive 3D with Three.js BatchedMesh and WebGPURenderer
A breakdown of a Three.js demo using BatchedMesh for efficient mesh rendering and exploring the new post-processing pipeline with TSL
Creating a 3D Hand Controller Using a Webcam with MediaPipe and Three.js
Learn how to create a full 3D hand controller with depth, using @mediapipe/hands and Three.js
How to Create a PS1-Inspired Jitter Shader with React-Three-Fiber
Learn how to create a custom jitter shader in React-Three-Fiber, inspired by the visual style of PS1-era games, to add a retro aesthetic to 3D models
Grid Displacement Texture with RGB Shift using Three.js GPGPU and Shaders
Learn how to apply a pixel/grid displacement to a texture in Three.js using shaders and GPGPU with a subtle RGB shift effect on cursor move
Interactive 3D Device Showcase with Threepipe
Build a minimal 3D web application to showcase designs on a laptop and phone in an interactive environment using Three.js and threepipe
Origami: 12 Free Animated 3D Objects
A set of twelve free 3D animations created with React Three Fiber and GSAP
Case Study: Rogier de Boevé Portfolio — 2024
Insights into the creative process and technical details behind the portfolio of Rogier de Boevé, a Belgium-based creative developer and digital designer