
Nalezeno "tom cruise": 15

President Biden Worried About AI After Watching Latest Mission: Impossible

President Joe Biden signed an executive order designed to create the first real US regulations and suggestions about artificial intelligence on October 30. The order came after months of meetings about AI tech, though the White House also confirmed that, strangely, the new Mission: Impossible film...

The Great Mission: Impossible Movies Deserve A Great New Game

The fuse has been lit and the mission has been accepted. That’s right folks, it’s time for a new Mission: Impossible film. The latest entry in the popular action franchise is out now in theaters. But if this new film has you all excited about the franchise again and you want to play a Mission:...

Can The Witcher Survive Henry Cavill’s Departure?

The first episode of The Witcher season 3 begins with a lengthy recap of the previous two seasons: flashes of Henry Cavill in that initial, questionable Geralt wig, Freya Allen as a much-younger, more eyebrow-less Ciri, everyone’s shittier eye contacts, sword fights, magic, and a bit of sex. While...

Halo Infinite’s New Mode Is So Good It Should Be Permanent

Step aside, Slayer. There’s a new deathmatch in Halo Infinitown: Attrition, a team-based mode wherein teammates share a limited pool of lives. It’s a total blast, an easy way to spice up Halo sessions, and a terrific addition to the first-person shooter’s arguably sparse range of playable...

The 14 Best Games For The Xbox One

The Xbox Series X is more or less a suped-up Xbox One, so if you’ve had trouble getting your hands on the newer machine, don’t fret. In fact, given the absence of next-gen launch exclusives, most of the best games you could play on the thing are Xbox One games, anyway. Over its seven years...

ELONOVINKY: Tom Cruise chce natáčet na ISS. Dopraví ho tam SpaceX

Tom Cruise se v rámci své kariéry v poslední době proslavil hlavně svými stále odvážnějšími kaskadérskými kousky. Těch má na účtu spoustu a nyní chce jít ještě dál – jeho další snímek by se měl natáčet ve vesmíru. K Mezinárodní vesmírné stanici ho vynese raketa od SpaceX. Plánovanou soukromou misi

NASA, Elon Musk a Tom Cruise natočí film ve vesmíru, na ISS

Ve filmu skáče ze střechy na střechu, visel na letadle ve vzduchu, pilotoval vrtulník i stíhačku… Země už mu ale nestačí, Tom Cruise se teď vypraví do vesmíru. Ředitel NASA Jim Bridenstine na Twitteru potvrdil, že herec bude točit na palubě ISS. „Potřebujeme média, aby inspirovala novou generaci

Tom Cruise: Zakažte motion smoothing. Kazí zážitek z filmu

Tom Cruise by vám chtěl něco říci: Váš nový HD televizor kazí kinematografický zážitek. Cože? Cruise na svůj twitterový účet umístil krátké video, v němž společně se scénáristou a režisérem Christopherem McQuarriem (série Misson: Impossible) upozorňuje na techniku interpolačního prolínání snímků,

How to build a slide deck in PowerPoint that isn’t god awful

"Oooh! A PowerPoint Presentation!" — No one ever Nobody likes a slide show. I don't even have to back that assertion up with evidence. It's a universal truth — like saying "the sky is blue", "the grass is green" or "The Mummy with Tom Cruise is the worst movie ever made." And if...

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