Data Shows Most Switch Owners Are Women, Gamers React Poorly
This really shouldn’t be news and it certainly shouldn’t be surprising to anyone, but yes, new data from Circana shows that—as we told you in 2017—women play video games. In fact, more than half of all Switch owners are women. And a very vocal bunch of idiots are reacting about as well as you’d...
A Showcase Of Some Of The Best Games You Have Probably Never Heard Of
It’s June 2023 and there are too many video games. Not the big ones—those are rare and increasingly so—but every tier under that is absolutely stacked with new releases, so many that it’s almost impossible to keep tabs on them all.Read more
Meet The Psychologist Determined To Prove Video Games Are Good, Actually
Dr. Rachel Kowert is a busy woman. The video game research psychologist is currently in London, where she’s set to give a talk on the fostering of terrorist cells and extremist beliefs in digital game spaces, a project she’s working on with the Department of Homeland Security (no, she can’t really...
The Brilliant Scholar Who’s Challenging Racism In Game Design
During her keynote speech at last year’s ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems in New Orleans, Dr. Kishonna Gray shared a story about the game Pokémon Go.Read more
9 Things We Just Learned About Sony’s Big Playstation Plans
With the wind at their back, Sony Interactive Entertainment CEO Jim Ryan and head of PlayStation Studios Hermen Hulst recently presented the state of the PlayStation 5 ecosystem to investors and hinted at what’s coming in the near future. Among other things, the company promised new IPs, more...
Take Care Of This House Now That I’m Leaving, OK?
Before I became a game reviewer, an investigative reporter, and an all-around troublemaker, I was an award-nominated game designer who put stories in video games. Alas, that didn’t pay very well or consistently. So, as I ran out of my parents’ healthcare, I moseyed over to this website thinking...
PC Gamers Are Getting Angry At All The Wrong People
If you’ve been even remotely connected to PC gaming over the last year or two, you’d have felt some heat radiating off the community. A rising sense of frustration, that things are bad and just keep getting worse. Many PC gamers feel like they’re reaching a breaking point, and it’s hard not...
Police Bodycam Game Explodes, But Not Without Doubt And Controversy
When developer Alexandre Spindler revealed footage of a “body cam style game” he was working on last fall, it exploded across the internet as people marveled at its eerie ambiance and photorealistic look. “This is awesome,” wrote District 9 director Neill Blomkamp. Now the game has been announced...
Frostpunk: The Board Game: The Kotaku Review
I’ve reviewed a lot of board game adaptations of video games on this website, and with good reason: it’s the most intimate intersection of our board game and video game coverage. In nearly every case, the key consideration has been how does the board game feel compared to the original. What kind...
Australian Government Wants To Give 18+ Ratings To Any Game With Gambling
The Australian Federal Government have announced this week that they’ll be pushing to “apply an R18+ rating to all video games that contain simulated gambling”, a move that appears to be the strictest of its type we’ve seen.Read more
U.S. Senator Blasts Sony's Monopoly On Cool Games
As Sony and Microsoft continue to battle over the latter’s proposed $69 billion dollar purchase of Activision Blizzard, more and more people—relatively powerful and influential people—are being drawn into the debate.Read more
Reduce Your Screen Time With These Video Game-Inspired Board Games
Between my PC, PS5, Switch, GameCube (yeah, I still have one of those), iPhone, and my friend’s Xbox 360 (yeah, he still has one of those), it’s hard not to feel completely boxed in by screens leaking evil, sleep-disrupting blue light. Though I like playing games every day, I also have screen...
2023’s Highest Rated Games Are Mostly Remakes Or Remasters
2023 has already been a pretty solid year for games. However, if you stop and look at Metacritic to see what some of the highest-rated games released this year actually were, you’ll notice a trend: Many of them are remakes or remasters of older games. It’s a trend that likely has a few different...
Death Stranding Is Secretly A Stealth Retelling Of This Japanese Legend
Death Stranding is undeniably an odd game. It has floating spirits, rain that makes you older, ghost-detecting babies, and pee bombs. That’s not to say that the weirdness makes it bad, though. Even its harshest critics, who deride it as a “massive failure” or (gasp!) a “walking simulator” will...
It's Time For This Great, Forgotten Dead Space Game To Return
The recently released Dead Space remake is a triumph among video game remakes, many of which haven’t been very well received by fans over the last few years. And as a massive Dead Space fan, I’m so damn happy to see EA spending money on the franchise again—with great results. But, I can’t help...
Destiny 2 Is Starting To Feel Like It’s Held Together With Duct Tape
Free-to-play online MMO looter shooter Destiny 2, released in 2017, is one of my favorite video games. I play it all the time. I have multiple characters. I own all the recent seasons. It’s fantastic. But I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t concerned for the game’s future, as with each passing season...
The 12 Best Games For Android
Android: not just another word for “robot.” It’s also a good option for anyone who wants a mobile device unshackled by the closed operating systems used by certain other smartphone manufacturers. Or, most importantly for our purposes, a library of games that’s nearly bottomless.Read more
Your Guide To Crafting The Perfect Gaming TikTok For You Page
Before I downloaded TikTok—which is currently the most downloaded app in the world—headlines tried to spook me over vile, international plots to siphon personal data. Grown ups (anyone at least six years older than me) tsk, tsked my generation’s shriveled attention spans, and offline advocates...
Secret Room In Switch Exclusive Lashes Out Against Dev Dysfunction
Most secret “developer rooms” in video games come in two varieties. Either they’re filled with fun development trivia (Pokémon, The Stanley Parable) or bonus bosses whom players can defeat as an easter egg (Diablo III, Vampyr). The secret room in Sports Story is neither of these. Instead, players...
Carolyn Petit’s Top 5 Games Of 2022
In recent years, it’s become harder and harder for me to make the kinds of in-depth, year-end personal best lists that I once prided myself on. That newfound difficulty is for one reason: I’m not playing as many games. This year, there are so many games I either didn’t play at all or didn’t spend...