The Journey of Creating a 3D Portfolio
Merouane Bali shares the process behind his 3D web design, highlighting WebGL and React integration, along with the challenges and solutions that shaped this immersive portfolio
VFX-JS: WebGL Effects Made Easy
This article introduces VFX-JS, a JavaScript library designed to make creating WebGL-powered visual effects easy and accessible
Developer Spotlight: Francesco Michelini
In this Developer Spotlight, Francesco Michelini shares the journey behind his standout projects, his favorite tools, and how game development inspired his passion for creative coding
Case Study: Gentle Rain
This case study explores how retro aesthetics and modern innovation came together to create a unique and inspiring learning experience
Creating Generative Artwork with Three.js
Develop a dynamic, generative artwork using Three.js and grid systems, inspired by Lygia Clark's minimalist geometric designs
Crafting a Dreamy Particle Effect with Three.js and GPGPU
Learn how to create an interactive particle effect using Three.js, GPGPU, and shaders
Case Study: Isabel Moranta Portfolio — 2024
This case study captures the journey of crafting a personal portfolio—an exploration of bold design, creative freedom, and the beauty of designing for oneself
How to Create a WebGL Rotating Image Gallery using OGL and GLSL Shaders
Learn how to create a progressive image rotation effect with WebGL, using OGL and GLSL shaders
Creating Dynamic Terrain Deformation with React Three Fiber
An exploration of real-time terrain reshaping through user interactions, using React Three Fiber
Case Study: Anderson Moss ®️
Discover how Anderson Moss redefined its brand with an award-winning website that blends artful design with innovative tech
How to Code a Subtle Shader Background Effect with React Three Fiber
Learn how to create an interactive shader background effect using React Three Fiber and Drei in four simple steps
Creating a 3D Hand Controller Using a Webcam with MediaPipe and Three.js
Learn how to create a full 3D hand controller with depth, using @mediapipe/hands and Three.js
A Visual Deconstruction of the Paffi Totem Slider
An in-depth look at the design of the Paffi Totem Slider, exploring how soft gradients, subtle lighting, and playful motion work together to create a unique and dynamic look
Some Recent Creative & Fun Coding Experiments
Cool and inspiring code demos we’ve featured in our newsletter over the past few weeks
Case Study: Federico Pian Portfolio — 2024
Learn how Federico Pian built his 2024 portfolio using Nuxt, GSAP, and TresJs, with insights into design inspiration, animation techniques, and seamless page transitions
How to Create a PS1-Inspired Jitter Shader with React-Three-Fiber
Learn how to create a custom jitter shader in React-Three-Fiber, inspired by the visual style of PS1-era games, to add a retro aesthetic to 3D models
Grid Displacement Texture with RGB Shift using Three.js GPGPU and Shaders
Learn how to apply a pixel/grid displacement to a texture in Three.js using shaders and GPGPU with a subtle RGB shift effect on cursor move
Interactive 3D Device Showcase with Threepipe
Build a minimal 3D web application to showcase designs on a laptop and phone in an interactive environment using Three.js and threepipe
Origami: 12 Free Animated 3D Objects
A set of twelve free 3D animations created with React Three Fiber and GSAP
Case Study: Rogier de Boevé Portfolio — 2024
Insights into the creative process and technical details behind the portfolio of Rogier de Boevé, a Belgium-based creative developer and digital designer