
Nalezeno "xbox series xs": 27

New Data Seems To Show PS5 Is Outselling Xbox 2:1

We all sort of know that Sony’s PS5 is outselling Microsoft’s Xbox Series X/S. Sony gives us sales data, Microsoft hasn’t in years. You generally don’t stay quiet about that stuff when the news is great. And new data seems to indicate what we all suspected: The Xbox Series X/S is getting shellacked...

PS5 Just Did Something A PlayStation Console Hasn’t Done Since 2004

Sony’s PlayStation 5 is selling pretty dang well in Japan, according to new data that shows it was the second best-selling console in the country last year, behind only Nintendo’s Switch. Even more impressive, the PS5 sold better than any PlayStation console has ever sold since the PS2 in 2004....

Baldur’s Gate 3’s New Deluxe Edition Is A Steal For The Price

Baldur’s Gate 3 already has one special edition, in the form of its Collector’s Edition. We even unboxed it here at Kotaku, and it’s got a lot of cool knickknacks that pay tribute to its tabletop roots. Of course that was expensive, solely for PC and PlayStation 5 players, and didn’t include...

The Massive Xbox Leak: 11 Big Reveals

This week brought us a wonderful treasure trove of leaks from deep inside the highest echelons of Microsoft’s Xbox division, accidentally shared online as a result of the company’s legal battle with the Federal Trade Commission over its now-greenlit Activision acquisition. These confidential...

Starfield's Official Mod Tools Are Coming In 2024

Although thousands of fan-made Starfield mods are already available—such as an early inventory screen overhaul, and Hello Kitty gun skins—official supported modding tools aren’t planned to hit Bethesda Game Studios’ open-space RPG until next year, game director Todd Howard said in an interview.Read...

Hit MMO Final Fantasy XIV Is Finally Coming To Xbox

At long last, Xbox owners will soon get to enjoy the MMORPG PlayStation players have enjoyed for nearly a decade. Final Fantasy XIV is headed to Xbox Series X/S in spring 2024 after being a PlayStation console exclusive since 2014. Read more

Microsoft Is Done Making Games For Xbox One

In a new interview, Xbox game studio chief Matt Booty confirmed that the company is done developing first-party games for the older Xbox One consoles, explaining that Microsoft has “moved on” from the prior-generation machine and is now focused on Xbox Series X/S. It’s yet another sign that the...

The Xbox 360 Controller Is Coming Back For Its 17th Birthday

I remember my first console controller—the polished black batwing I used to steer my Xbox 360—as vaguely sticky. What do middle schoolers do to cover everything they touch in a thin, gummy worm film? Aside from eating many gummy worms? (In my case, at least.) Peripheral manufacturer Hyperkin...

The Best Free Games On Xbox Series X/S (Right Now)

Last year, Halo Infinite launched with a fully free-to-play multiplayer mode—a first for Xbox’s flagship series. But there are a number of other free games worthy of your time on Xbox. And it’s not just the obvious ones, from the battle royales about world war whatever to that weird metaverse game...

Another PlayStation ‘Console Exclusive’ Comes To Xbox

At this point, it’s fair to assume that any proclamations of “console exclusivity” should be taken with an entire deer lick of salt. The PlayStation 5 launch title Bugsnax comes out on Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S on April 28, as part of the Game Pass library, developer Young Horses announced. It’s...

What The PS5 Has (And Hasn't) Added Over The Past Year

One year ago, two notable events happened in the world of video games. First, on November 12, Sony released the PlayStation 5 in certain markets—its first totally new gaming console in seven years. Then, a few days later, Kotaku assessed the new system’s features, exploring what it would take...

Amazon Is Selling Used Xbox Series Xs At Scalper Markup Prices

Almost a year after the PS5 and Xbox Series X came out they’re still incredibly hard to find, and expensive, including at Amazon where the monopolistic retailer appears to be selling at least a few Microsoft consoles for roughly $1,000, or twice what they’re actually supposed to cost.Read more

The Scuf Instinct Pro Feels Like An Official Xbox Controller

Since 2011, Scuf Gaming has made a name for itself by producing some of the highest quality third-party console controllers and owning a ridiculous number of controller patents. The Scuf Instinct and Instinct Pro are the company’s first stabs at creating an elite-level controller for the Xbox...

The Ascent Is On Console But Still Aggressively PC

It’s perfect timing for a game like The Ascent. Not much else is coming out right now, so there’s more incentive to break through its slow opening to get at some of the chunkier gameplay in the back-half of the game. It’s also on Game Pass for PC and Xbox, so you can get in, give it a try,...

How To Watch The Xbox / Bethesda E3 Showcase

E3 2021 is rapidly approaching, and Microsoft’s Xbox presentation looks to be a highlight once again, especially with the addition of Bethesda. After last year’s surprise purchase of Bethesda parent company Zenimax, Microsoft’s E3 presentation will be the first opportunity to show off the massive...

Xbox Smart Delivery Turned Out To Be A Pretty Big Deal

When Microsoft started slipping the made-up phrase “Smart Delivery” into all of its Xbox Series X/S marketing last year, it seemed like just another pair of empty buzzwords. Surely all games would just simply work after you installed them on your expensive new hardware, whether they supported...

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