
Nalezeno "DeFi": 7191

Coinmetrics Report Explores the Risks of High FDVs in Crypto Markets

A new report by Coinmetrics, along with researchers Victor Ramirez, Matías Andrade, and Tanay Ved, delves into the complexities of crypto tokenomics. The report explores the intricate balance of token distribution, valuation, and market impact. Understanding FDV and Token Float: Key Insights...

Pyth Network’s Pull Oracle has been positioned on Solana

Pyth Network’s Pull Oracle is currently live on Solana, allowing developers on the Solana mainnet beta to interact with Pyth’s Oracle pricing. This will be accomplished by transferring price revisions related to the Pythnet app chain to the Solana domain. Up until June 30, 2024, users...

RealToken DAO integrates Chainlink CCIP for cross-chain token transfers

RealToken DAO, specializing in real estate tokenization, has integrated CCIP, the global standard for cross-chain interoperability. They will be taking advantage of CCIP’s Simplified Token Transfer capacity to provide cross-chain REG transfer. It empowers users to move tokens faultlessly between...

DeFiBitoro on Injective: Order book for better trading & staking

Bitoro Network brings in an order book on Injective, for offering better spin-offs about the overall trading experience and placing added avenues with more features at the disposal of traders, These include more cost-effectiveness, as well as staking vaults, and certain others.  The link up with...

LayerZero to launch on BounceBit with innovative CeDeFi features

LayerZero Labs has recently revealed a major advancement in its technology: It is planned to be merged into BounceBit, an experimental BTC restocking service, shortly. BounceBit desires to integrate the benefits of both DeFi and CeFi platforms, which will enable users to access DeFi products while...

Space and Time Unveils Sub-Second ZK Prover, Now Open-Sourced

With goals set on advancing blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI) integration, Space and Time has publicly released its high-speed zero-knowledge prover, Proof of SQL, under an open software license. The team says the release marks a notable shift towards more efficient data verification...

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