
Nalezeno "Privacy": 1835

Worldcoin Agrees to Temporarily Stop Operations in Spain

Worldcoin, the biometric proof-of-personhood identification protocol, has agreed to temporarily stop its operations in Spain. According to statements from the Spanish privacy watchdog AEPD, the company committed to stop its data collection practices for a year or until Baviera’s privacy...

A new look at privacy apps in context of Mina Mainnet upgrade

Mina, the zero knowledge-backed blockchain, is unusual for several reasons. It uses zk SNARK proofs to maintain a consistent size of 22 kilobytes, and effective verification and minimum storage requirements are the primary objectives of this design. The proofs produced are kept on the mainnet...

US House Passes Central Bank Digital Currency Anti-Surveillance State Act

The House of Representatives has passed Congressman Tom Emmer’s CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act, which prohibits the Federal Reserve from issuing a surveillance-oriented central bank digital currency (CBDC). The lawmaker emphasized that the bill protects American values of privacy and individual...

Hong Kong Regulator: Worldcoin Activities Violated Privacy Ordinance

The Hong Kong data regulator recently concluded that Worldcoin’s data collection methods and activities violated the region’s “privacy ordinance.” Privacy Commissioner Chung Liling has issued an enforcement notice requesting Worldcoin to cease data collection from Hong Kong...

Vitalik Buterin Transfers $295K in Ethereum to Privacy Protocol Railgun

Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin has transferred 79.997 ETH (over $295,000) to the privacy protocol Railgun. Buterin Supports Railgun With $295K Ethereum Transfer According to onchain data, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin transferred more than $295,000 worth of ethereum, approximately 79.997...

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