
Nalezeno "R5 currency": 3755

IMF Data Shows Decline in US Dollar Dominance

Recent data from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) points to an ongoing decline in the U.S. dollar’s share of allocated foreign reserves held by central banks and governments. Economists explained that reserve managers are attracted to nontraditional reserve currencies “because they...

CBDC Interest Climbs Steadily Over Five Years, Google Trends Data Shows

Google Trends data reveals a consistent increase in search interest for “CBDC,” which stands for central bank digital currency, over the past five years. The term has maintained a score above 20 since August 2022, on a scale of 1 to 100, where 100 signifies peak interest. CBDCs...

Chinese Gang Arrested for Exploiting Digital Yuan

In Zhejiang province, China, a criminal gang exploited digital yuan accounts to illegally cash out over 200,000 yuan ($27,566) within four days. The digital yuan, or e-CNY, is the People’s Bank of China’s (PBOC) central bank digital currency (CBDC), which has experienced substantial growth...

BIS Survey: 94% of Central Banks Exploring Digital Currency

The latest Bank for International Settlements (BIS) survey reveals that 94% of central banks are exploring central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). There has been a notable increase in wholesale CBDC experiments, especially in advanced economies. Central banks are examining various factors...

Inflation Explained: What It Is and Why It Happens

While many are familiar with inflation, which indicates a decline in currency purchasing power alongside a general rise in the cost of goods and services in an economy, there is a common misconception that inflation is natural. In reality, it is largely driven by an increased money supply...

US Authority Seizes 70 Crypto Scam Sites Targeting Russian Community

The Brooklyn District Attorney’s Office has seized 70 domains used to scam the Russian community. The scam involved deceptive Facebook ads featuring a deepfake of Tesla CEO Elon Musk. Over 20 Brooklyn residents and additional victims nationwide lost a total of $5 million. 70 Crypto Scam...

Paxos International Debuts ‘Lift Dollar’ Stablecoin With Daily Yields

The blockchain and tokenization infrastructure platform Paxos has announced Paxos International has launched a new yield-bearing stablecoin called lift dollar (USDL). The stablecoin’s holders will earn overnight yield from short-term U.S. government securities and cash equivalent reserve assets...

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