
Nalezeno "Spain Crypto": 25

Monei Starts Conducting Euro Stablecoin Tests

European payment platform Monei has announced the start of the testing phase of EURM, a euro-pegged stablecoin, as part of the Bank of Spain’s national financial sandbox. The token will leverage Ethereum’s and Polygon’s blockchains, allowing each one of a reduced number of users...

Bank of Spain Has Registered 17 Crypto Companies, Big Names Still Missing

The Bank of Spain has already included 17 virtual asset service providers in its own registry, in which cryptocurrency exchanges and custody providers must be listed to operate, according to Spanish law. Three new companies were included last week, but big names in the crypto ecosystem are still...

Cryptocurrency Related Scams Flood Tribunals in Spain

Spain has not been a stranger to the popularity of cryptocurrencies, and with this popularity, also comes the attention of people and organizations wanting to capitalize on the subject. Spanish tribunals have been flooded lately with lawsuits involving cryptocurrency scams related to bitcoin...

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