
Nalezeno "bill gates": 111

Kanye West Allegedly Did A Super Mario Dance After Threatening A Staffer

Ye, the rapper known by most as Kanye West, is the subject of a new lawsuit from an ex-employee who alleges he subjected staff to an abusive work environment. The lawsuit alleges that West imitated Nintendo’s beloved video game icon, Mario, of Super Mario Bros. fame, while threatening...

Amouranth Spends $17 Million On Fruit Field To ‘Overtake’ Bill Gates

Kaitlyn “Amouranth” Siragusa, one of livestreaming’s most recognizable women, is something of a tour de force. She’s building an empire, after all, having bought a gas station, purchased an inflatable pool company, sold water straight from her hot tub, and slung beer made with her vaginal bacteria....

Čipovanou desítku, prosím. Bill Gates koupil podíl v Heinekenu a Starobrnu

Bill Gates koupil 3,76 % nizozemské společnosti Heineken v ceně 902 milionů dolarů (více než 20 miliard korun). Do konglomerátu patří více než tři sta značek včetně českých pivovarů Starobrno, Velké Březno a Krušovice. Gates se v minulosti nechal slyšet, že není velkým fanouškem piva. Hořký nápoj

Bill Gates Props Up AI Against Metaverse and Web3 Tech

Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft, has given his opinion about the relevance of Web3, metaverse, and AI (artificial intelligence), a set of technologies in development today. Gates stated that AI was “the big” revolutionary technology that is comparable to what the internet was...

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