
Nalezeno "cooler": 22

Every Dragon Ball Movie, Ranked From Worst To Best

With Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, a movie about how Piccolo is Gohan’s real dad, releasing later this week as well as the current DBZ extravaganza going on inside Fortnite, we decided it was the perfect time to rank every Dragon Ball movie and see which one comes out on top. What could possibly...

Pokémon Oreos Would Be Cooler If Nabisco Workers Weren’t Striking

This morning, Oreo announced a new variation of its popular sandwich cookies decorated with Pokémon characters. But while I love me some cross-brand synergy, I’m also a little wary of scarfing down on a crunchy, chocolate recreation of Pikachu’s face when striking Nabisco workers have asked...

PS2 Game Boxes Almost Looked A Lot Cooler

PS2 game boxes were entirely unremarkable, because they looked like every other plastic case available at the time, from Xbox games to DVDs. But an earlier design for them that Sony ended up ditching was a lot more interesting.Read more

Herní konzole od KFC je skutečná. Umí i ohřát jídlo

Fastfoodový řetězec to už poněkolikáté zkouší s virální reklamou, a i tentokrát se mu daří strhnout pozornost. Chystá se totiž nabízet podivnou herní konzoli s přihrádkou na ohřev jídla. V praxi je to v podstatě jen na míru vyrobený herní počítač

Transacting Online Using Crypto Just Got Wholly Anonymous and Way Cooler

Disclaimer: The text below is a press release that was not written by ________________ Croydon, London, Great Britain. January 29, 2020. – The world is moving towards mass adoption of cryptocurrencies. While the financial segment of the economy makes these strides, the risks...

Cooler Master MK850: analogová mechanická klávesnice nahradí gamepad

Zatímco na gamepadu můžete plynule měnit náklon páček a často i sílu stisku tlačítek, v případě herních klávesnic stále platí, že se rozezná jen stisknutá nebo nestisknutá klávesa. To se ale nyní mění. Cooler Master představil svou novou mechanickou klávesnici MK850, která na klávesách QWER a ASDF

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