
Nalezeno "dr strange": 129

Nová klingonština? Jak ufoni ze Strange Planet chápou svět lépe než my

Jsou modří, jsou bezelstní, jsou populární. Bytosti růžovomodrého komixu pobláznily miliony lidí a spojily je v komunitu napříč planetou Zemí. Komiks a seriál Strange Planet popisuje zdánlivě všední chvíle našeho života s neodolatelným nadhledem. Stěží uvěřit, že nekončící nápady má na svědomí...

Why The Life Is Strange Devs Aren’t Making A Sequel With Lost Records

The Life Is Strange series started as French developer Don’t Nod’s baby back when the first game’s episodic rollout began in 2015. After two games, publisher Square Enix has placed the franchise in the hands of Deck Nine Games, which worked on the prequel Before the Storm and the most recent game...

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Lets The Life Is Strange Devs Grow Up

Don’t Nod has spent a lot of the past decade writing about teenagers and young adults. After creating the Life Is Strange franchise in 2015, much of the studio’s most well-known portfolio has been made up of adventure games capturing the raw, unbridled emotion of being in your developing years,...

Report: Life Is Strange Devs Dealt With Toxic Workplace, Crunch

Life is Strange: True Colors and Before the Storm studio Deck Nine Games is the subject of a massive IGN report whereby current and former employees allege the studio was a toxic place to work, that there was studio-supported crunch, and there were leaders who only made things worse.Read more

Domain Registry Company Finesses New Bitcoin Rival Out of Their .Com

  The Domain registry company NJAL.LA aka ‘Njalla’ has be cast into the spotlight of cryptocurrency for their finessing of from the “Mollars Cryptocurrency Project.”   Now relocated to Mollars.CC, the project’s original domain shut down abruptly with no explanation.   The strange...

Star Wars Fans Weigh In On The Mandalorian And Grogu

Earlier this month, we asked you, dear readers, what you wanted to see in the newly announced The Mandalorian and Grogu movie based on the Disney+ series created by Jon Favreau. The answers were pretty varied, but we discovered two commonalities across most responses: readers want the film to...

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