
Nalezeno "exit scam": 76

SatoshiVM Team Wallet Activity and 25% Price Decline Cause Rug Pull Fears

SatoshiVM’s concerning wallet activity and token transfers have raised worries it could be executing an exit rug pull scam. Image by Kerem Goktug Kaya, DALL-E 3. The recently launched cryptocurrency SatoshiVM (SAVM) is being accused of being a scam, with a price decline and suspicions of...

$720 Million Lost via 117 Hacking Incidents in Q3 of 2023 — Study

During Q3 of 2023, there were a total of 117 hacks in which $720 million was stolen via access control breaches and rug pulls among other security incidents, a new study has found. While the losses ($49.80 million) from rug-pull incidents are significantly lower than the $449 million lost...

Scandal Unveiled: Web3 Game Project's $1.6 Million Exit Scam with Actors

The development team behind the gaming project FinSoul has been accused of carrying out a massive exit scam, defrauding investors of $1.6 million through market manipulation.  According to a recent report from blockchain security platform CertiK, the FinSoul team allegedly employed paid actors...

Magnate Finance Website Goes Offline as Users Fear $6.4 Million Exit Scam

Magnate Finance on Base has deleted its Telegram group and took its website offline earlier today, sparking fears of a yet another exit scam.  Magnate Finance, which holds $6.4 million in Total Locked Value, has ties with other financial exit scams.  Blockchain analyst ZachXBT also warned of...

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