
Nalezeno "explorer": 119

Solana Price Prediction as SOL Blockchain Goes Down – What’s Going On?

The Solana network is suffering a minor outage with the last transaction halted at 09.52 UTC, according to the block explorer. Engineers and validators are currently investigating the mainnet-beta for the source of the problem. Blockchain company and leading Solana validator Laine tweeted:...

The Last Of Us Season Two Casts Dora The Explorer Actor As Dina

After two other consecutive casting announcements, Max and Naughty Dog have revealed that Isabela Merced will play Ellie’s girlfriend Dina in The Last of Us’ second season, which is set to premiere on the streaming service in 2025. Sorry to anyone who wanted it to be that girl we saw staring... Raises $110 Million in Series E Round Led by Kingsway, a cryptocurrency enterprise offering a digital asset exchange, a blockchain explorer, and a non-custodial wallet, has recently secured $110 million in a Series E funding round spearheaded by Kingsway. Despite this successful funding round,’s post-valuation...

Cardano announces an open beta phase of a new blockchain explorer

What Are Blockchain Explorers?  A blockchain explorer is similar to an online detective tool for researching blockchain information. It lets you discover what is occurring in real-time on a blockchain, such as information on blocks, transactions, and addresses. Each blockchain explorer is similar...

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