
Nalezeno "gran": 73

Škodu jsem chtěl přidat už dlouho, říká autor kultovní série Gran Turismo

Poprvé ve víc než čtvrtstoletí existence videoherní série Gran Turismo zařadili vývojáři do vozového parku i model od české automobilky Škoda. Designový koncept Vision GT přijel do Prahy propagovat i její duchovní otec Kazunori Jamauči, který nám při té příležitosti odpověděl na několik otázek

Ve hře Gran Turismo se objeví prototyp závodního elektromobilu od Škody

Poprvé ve víc než čtvrt století dlouhé historii závodní série Gran Turismo dostanou její hráči možnost řídit vozidlo značky Škoda. Ne však skutečný model, který můžeme znát z našich silnic, ale designový koncept Vision GT, vycházející ze závodního speciálu OHC Spider z šedesátých let minulého...

PlayStation Plus Just Added 2022’s Most Stylish Arcade Racer

Driving games can loosely be divided into two sub-genres: simulation and arcade. The former category includes the likes of Gran Turismo or Forza (not the Horizon series) and focus on more realistic racing. But the latter is all about fun over realism. 2022’s Need for Speed Unbound, the latest...

Granblue Fantasy Relink: The Kotaku Review

“That seems familiar.” It’s a phrase I said to myself a dozen times or more in the first two hours of Cygames’ Granblue Fantasy Relink. When a giant monster attacked my boat during the prologue. When I realized my sidekick was a tiny, flying mascot with a high-pitched voice and room...

Someone Found Secret Cheat Codes In A 14-Year-Old Gran Turismo Game

14 years after Gran Turismo on the PlayStation Portable launched, someone discovered previously undocumented cheat codes in the portable racing game. It’s a good reminder that there are likely thousands of undiscovered secrets, cheats, and Easter eggs lurking in video games. Read more

Fan-Made Gran Turismo Poster On Roku Swaps 'Racer' For 'Racist'

A fan-made poster for Gran Turismo, a movie inspired by a video game inspired by a real-life racing event, which tweaked the flick’s tagline of “From Gamer To Racer” to “From Gamer To Racist,” somehow made its way onto the Roku streaming app, and fans are having a laugh. Read more

Gran Turismo Movie Review Roundup: The Critics Are Split

The Gran Turismo film comes out this month, but critics don’t seem sold on the video game-inspired biopic as the Neill Blomkamp-directed film holds a 57 percent on aggregator Rotten Tomatoes at the time of this writing.Read more

Gran Turismo Movie Slammed For Fumbling A Tragic Real-Life Death

The Gran Turismo film hits theaters on August 9 in the U.K. and August 25 in the U.S., but initial reviews aren’t looking too good. However, it’s receiving especially harsh critique for the “based on a true story” narrative retelling a harrowing real-life deadly accident to provide character...

Let’s Get Really Nostalgic About The Early Days Of PlayStation

“There was a sense that video games were toys. And Sony is not a toy company.” That’s how a new mini-oral history about PlayStation revolutionizing console gaming begins over at IGN. The words belong to former head of Sony Worldwide Studios, Shawn Layden, and they ring true for anyone who grew...

Someone Just Found Cheat Codes For 2004's Gran Turismo 4

Polyphony’s Gran Turismo 4, released in December 2004, is a video game we have been playing for almost 20 years, and we have all been playing it, this entire time, without realising that it has cheat codes.Read more

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