
Nalezeno "holland": 30

Upcoming Star Wars Game Has No Game Over, 'Anyone Can Die'

Since Star Wars Eclipse was first revealed two years ago, we’ve seen and heard little about the next game from Quantic Dream, the developer behind Heavy Rain and Detroit: Become Human. However, the devs behind the game have revealed that as in the studio’s previous adventures, Eclipse’s storyline...

Tom Holland’s Uncharted Movie Is Getting Trashed By Critics

The Uncharted movie won’t be out stateside until later this week, but it’s been out internationally for a few days, having released in a handful of markets last Thursday and Friday. So far, the cinematic adaptation of a popular video game series is being received about as well as any other...

Tom Holland Discovered Uncharted On The Set Of Spider-Man: Homecoming

Sony’s Uncharted movie has been in the works since 2008, but the star of next month’s theatrical release didn’t play the games until 2016. During last night’s Sony CES keynote event, actor Tom Holland took the stage, where he talked about discovering Naughty Dog’s acclaimed adventure series while...

Let’s Talk About Those Spider-Man: No Way Home Post-Credits Scenes

So, Spider-Man: No Way Home, yeah? I, an insatiable fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, saw it last night. This may come as a shock to hear, I know, but it’s good—like, really good. And beyond just being a wonderfully inventive blockbuster with a lot of heart, it also features some of the most...

Henry Cavill Gently Corrects TV Host: It's Warhammer, Not Warcraft

This is a conversation that I’m sure has played out countless times across kitchens and living rooms around the world as children, friends and partners patiently try and explain the difference between a video game universe and a tabletop wargaming universe. I just don’t know if it’s ever been done...

US ‘Kidnapped’ Russian Crypto Businessman Denis Dubnikov, Lawyer Says

U.S. law enforcement agents have “kidnapped” crypto entrepreneur Denis Dubnikov in Mexico, before transferring him to the Netherlands where he was arrested, his lawyer told Russian media. Dubnikov is suspected of money laundering and faces up to 20 years in prison if extradited to...

7 Uncharted Game References You May Have Missed In The Movie Trailer

This morning, Sony released the first official trailer for the Uncharted movie, starring Tom Holland as the terminally henley-wearing rogue Nathan Drake. Movies based on video games don’t have the best track record, of course, but it nonetheless looks pretty fun..Read more

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