
Nalezeno "sherlock holmes": 24

Here’s How To Find Rodge In Dragon’s Dogma 2

There are myriad side quests in Dragon’s Dogma 2. Many of them require you to channel your inner Sherlock Holmes, as Capcom’s latest high-fantasy RPG doesn’t always like showing you how to complete missions. One such quest is “Prey for the Pack,” which has an objective that demands a bit more...

Get Your Sherlock Holmes On With Steam's Mystery Fest Sale

Steam sales are now so frequent that there are concerns they’ll soon start crashing into each other, causing vast sale pile-ups that could clog great sections of the internet. However, in amongst the incessant discounts on The Witcher 3 appears something rather more interesting that most: Mystery...

Ukrajinský Sherlock Holmes uspěl na Kickstarteru, vyjde i v češtině

Jen pár hodin stačilo ukrajinským vývojářům z Frogwares na to, aby skrz komunitní financování vybrali dva miliony korun na chystaný remake své starší hry o Sherlocku Holmesovi. Dobrou zprávou je i to, že se tuzemští hráči mohou opět těšit na českou lokalizaci

Ukrajinské Frogwares válka nezastaví, chystají dalšího Sherlocka Holmese

Herní studio Frogwares bylo po vpádu ruských okupačních vojsk na Ukrajinu prakticky paralyzováno, ale díky masivní dotaci od společnosti Epic se většina jeho zaměstnanců mohla vrátit k vývoji. Jejich příští hrou bude remake starší adventury Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened, ve které slavný detektiv...

Ukrainian Devs Moving To 'Safer Areas' With Grant Money

Frogwares, a Ukrainian studio known mostly for their Sherlock Holmes games, have somehow kept working through Russia’s unprovoked invasion of their country. And now, thanks to a large injection of cash, they’ll be able to keep on doing that.Read more

Your Spring 2021 Anime Guide

Spring is in the air! That only means one thing. Actually, it means several things, but one of them is that it’s time for a new season of anime.Read more

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