
Nalezeno "slug": 47

How To Unlock The Best Metal Slug Tactics Weapon Mods

Metal Slug Tactics is all about customization: choosing your characters, picking their loadouts, and then deciding which modifications you want to implement into their weapons. But not all mods are available from the beginning of the game.Read more

How To Unlock Every Metal Slug Tactics Weapon And Loadout

Metal Slug Tactics is all about creating the perfect run, getting synergy going with all your characters, their weapons, and their modifications. You’ll choose your team at the beginning of every mission, but each character also has four loadouts available to them, so there’s a lot of potential...

How To Unlock Every Character In Metal Slug Tactics

Metal Slug Tactics is a blast of a roguelite tactical game, but you’ll only have access to a small handful of characters when the game begins. To unlock new characters you’ll have to finish the game a number of times.Read more

Kotaku’s Weekend Guide: Six Games For Election Week Escapism

What a week, huh? Yeah. Well, here we are, at the end of it, at the very least, and now looking toward the future. So how about some video games to take our minds off things for the weekend? This week we’ve got some fun shooters, some beat ‘em up action, and a digital spin on a classic trading card...

I'm Having A Fun Time With Metal Slug Tactics Even If I Can't Read A Damn Thing

Metal Slug Tactics isn’t what I was expecting. Fortunately, that’s not a bad thing. Instead of Final Fantasy Tactics, it’s Into the Breach with some clever twists that help infuse it with some of the classic arcade series’ run-and-gun roots. I’m having a fun time with it so far, even if it has some...

Game Pass Is Soaring Back To Life This November

Microsoft has just announced the next wave of Game Pass titles for the first half of November. Among a lovely trove of indie titles, it finally includes the arrival of Flight Simulator 2024, albeit only in the newly expensive “Ultimate” tier.Read more

14 Exciting Games To Expect From Nintendo Switch In 2023

The Nintendo Switch certainly feels as though its time is drawing to a close. Six years old this year, it was already a technological generation behind on its release, and there’s no question that it’s increasingly struggling to run the games it’s hosting. Despite all this, and even with the rise...

It's 2022 And Broforce Is Coming Back, Baby

Have you ever played Broforce? Or even heard of it? You’d be forgiven for answering “no” to both those questions because, as I flip tragically backwards through my desktop calendar, I can see that the game came out eight years ago.Read more

No Man's Sky Is Getting A Major Overhaul As It Launches On Switch

To say that No Man’s Sky has come a long way since its 2016 launch would be an understatement. But despite all of the welcome expansions to the epic-scale space sim, gameplay elements like survival, crafting, and the interesting choice of inventory layout have remained an obstacle for some players....

Devs Want To Challenge Your Expectations Of Who Makes Games

While the video game industry is becoming more diverse every year, marginalized game developers are still often dismissed in professional settings based on their appearance. One developer started the hashtag #WhatAGameDevLooksLike after security guards at a games conference apparently stopped...

Metal Slug Tactics Is Metal Slug, But With Turn-Based Tactics

You know I’ve always looked at the  Metal Slug series and thought, nice games you got here, but they’d be better if I could just slow down and take my time with all the shooting. So the announcement of Metal Slug Tactics looks...perfect?Read more

Here's March 2021's Xbox Live Games With Gold

It’s going to be March again, or it’s still March—it’s hard to say, but you can mark the impossible passage of time with a new batch of Xbox Live Games with Gold games. As always, these games are only “free” if you have an active Xbox Live Gold membership.Read more

Animate Text on Scroll

We covered the idea of animating curved text not long ago when a fun New York Times article came out. All I did was peek into how they did it and extract the relevant parts to a more isolated demo. That demo is here: See the Pen Selfie Crawl by Chris Coyier (@chriscoyier) ...

CSS-Only Carousel

It's kind of amazing how far HTML and CSS will take you when building a carousel/slideshow. Setting some boxes in a horizontal row with flexbox is easy. Showing only one box at a time with overflow and making it swipable with -webkit-overflow-scrolling is easy. You can make the "slides" line...

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