
Nalezeno "the radio": 208

Sanding UI

Jim hit a snag while working on a form. Placing labels next to inputs is trivial with flexbox, sure, but what happened in Jim’s case was a bit of dead-clicking between the labels and radio buttons. The issue? Not the … Sanding UI originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of...

Time Travelling CSS With :target

Checkbox and radio button hacks are the (in)famous trick for creating games using just CSS. But it turns out that other elements based on user input can be hacked and gamified. There are very cool examples of developers getting creative with CSS...

Grand Theft Auto 6 Is Exempt From The Game Actors Strike

SAG-AFTRA game actors are currently on strike against some of the biggest companies in the industry over AI, but that won’t impact the most anticipated games of 2025: Grand Theft Auto VI. It’s one of several in-development projects that is exempt from the labor action. Read more

Radio Čas začalo vysílat na Jihlavsku

Soukromá stanice Radio Čas rozšířila pokrytí. Od 11. března ji posluchači naladí na Jihlavsku z lokalit Jihlava–Pávov (99,4 FM), Měřín (94,7 FM) a Velká Bíteš–Košíkov (101 FM)

Digitální stanice ZUN omezila pokrytí v DAB+

Soukromé digitální rádio ZUN od 1. ledna 2024 upravilo pokrytí signálem. „Ukončili jsme vysílání z východočeské Černé hory, na Královéhradecku, Liberecku a Zlínsku,“ informovala stanice zaměřená na house music

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